Chapter 28 - Reality Check.

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Isaiah or Carlos didn't move. Even after the news coverage went off, they remained froze in the spot that they sat in. A couple minutes afterwards, Isaiah looked down at his hands. They were shaking out of this world.

"Man, I ain't felt this nervous since I found out my last girl was having my child.." Isaiah said in a shaken tone, shaking his head.

"Shit." Carlos whispered as he stood up in the room, covering his face. "Never have we EVER left a fucking survivor."

"I know, man! What we gone do?" Isaiah said as he looked up at Carlos. "We can't finish her off at no hospital!"

Carlos placed his fingers on his chin, thinking as hard as he could.

"Well, if we shot her dead in her brains, don't you think that that's enough to give her sum' memory problems?" Carlos asked, scrunching his eyebrows at Isaiah.

Isaiah's eyes widened, looking back at the tv.

"I ain't think about that.." Isaiah said under his breath.

"The press gone release if she give a statement or not in a few days or so if she survive." Carlos continued, nodding his head. "If she can talk straight, we gone go back there and finish her off when the police clear out. If not, then we ain't got to worry about clearing her out."

"See, that's why you my nigga Carlos. Good lookin'!" Isaiah smiled, giving him a handshake. "I'ma go back to the crib and pay my mama's bills. Our electricity and coming close to being cut off."

"Alright good looks." Carlos said as Isaiah stepped outside of the door. "Q, Stacey, and Asha about to be over here soon so...........yeah.."

When Isaiah returned home, he seen me and Tyler studying on the couch. He grinned at Tyler, watching her roll her eyes at him in disgust. Tyler placed her hair into a ponytail, reading me some definitions to the 50 words that we had to study for the next upcoming test for college. When Isaiah went into his room, he took out $600 in One Hundred dollar bills, sliding it under his mothers door before walking back into his room.

15 minutes later, Noah walked into the hall and peeked inside of Isaiah's room. Isaiah was sitting at the end of his bed, playing Halo 3 with Stacey and two other people. He had on his Elmo Pajama's. Noah glanced down at the ground and seen Isaiah's wife beader and red shorts on the floor, folded up. It was the outfit he wore. Noah got an idea, then slid back into his own room. When Isaiah made a quick trip to the bathroom 20 minutes later, Noah crept into his room and took his outfit. He rushed back into his room and shut the door, placing on Isaiah's shorts and wife beader.

When he looked at himself in the mirror, he could see nothing but Isaiah. Even though they were twins, it seemed like he was looking at Isaiah through a mirror. When Isaiah walked back into his room and shut the door, that's when Noah made his way downstairs to leave over to Q's house.

"Damn, Isaiah!" I laughed as I looked at him. "You going out again?"

"I'm going out to experime........aaaaaIII meaan, yeah nigga!" Noah said, fixing his speech. "Why uh...why wouldn't a raw ass nigga like me be out in these streets at night?"

"Um, I don't know." I said, giving him a weird look. "Have fun, I guess?"

"Aight holler at you on the flip side!" Noah waved as he placed on Isaiah's Jordan's and made his way out.

Noah was dressing up like Isaiah to see if he could act and portray his brother just like he said he could.

Meanwhile, Isaiah was upstairs shouting at his tv.

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