Chapter 20 - Turned Down.

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Tyler didn't want to go out with Isaiah at all. In fact, she didn't want to be around him. But knowing how dangerous Isaiah was, she felt that she had no choice but to say yes. Swallowing her pride, she placed a fake smile onto her face and nodded her head.

"Sure." Tyler said in a fake and uninterested tone. "Why not?"

"Oh shit! Foreal?" Isaiah smiled as he jumped back. "Cool cool. I got my ride, so-"

"Just.......let me change my clothes." Tyler cheesed as she placed her hand onto his shoulders. "Okay?"

"Yeah. Gone head." Isaiah said as he placed her roses onto the floor, jogging to his car. "I'll be waiting on you in the car!"

As Tyler shut the door, she jogged upstairs into the room and grabbed her phone to call me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"What the fuck did you do?" Tyler whispered in a low tone, crouching down and grabbing some jeans out of her drawer.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a confused tone.

"You sent Isaiah here with some damn flowers to ask me out!" Tyler growled as she threw her jeans onto the bed, grabbing a shirt from a separate drawer. "Don't act stupid!"

I know that I gave Isaiah the idea, but I had no idea that he would take it seriously. I placed a small smile onto my face, happy with the fact that Isaiah went through with the idea.

"He came over and asked could he take you out?" I cheered.

"Yeah, but I don't wanna go out with hi-"

"I don't want to go out with him, Josh!" Tyler whispered loudly as she stared outside of the window. "He's dangerous as hell and he likes to-"

"Come on, Tyler." I plead as I kept my grin onto my face. "Listen, if you don't want to go out with him again after today, you don't have to. Alright?"

Tyler groaned and plopped on her bed, shaking her head.

"Whatever." Tyler growled as she hung up on me.

After Tyler hung up the phone, she spent 10 minutes getting dressed and brushing her hair. She left her parents a note telling them that she went out with a few familiar friends, then walked out to Isaiah's car and sat inside.

The minute she sat down, she was greeted with the smell of weed. Isaiah was a weed smoker, so that wasn't a shocker. Tyler placed her purse on the side of her and lifted the seat up a little, trying not to be a buzzkill. Isaiah started the car, smiling at her as she glanced out of the front window. He grabbed his pistol and placed it into the glovebox, laughing a little under his breath.

"You ain't gotta worry about me shootin' nobody." Isaiah grinned. "Well, at least for today."

"SO......what are we gonna do today?" Tyler said in an agitated and irritated tone, keeping her fake smile onto her face and tilting her head at him.

"We gone stop by my boy house and kick it. Then we can shop later on." Isaiah nodded. "But first, I gotta go get my son. He only 3 months."

"Wait a minute, you're 18 and you have a son?" Tyler asked as she scrunched her eyebrows at him.

"Yeah. I know, it's a bad look.." Isaiah groaned. "I just was in the mood to fuck one day and BAM. He popped up 9 months later."

Tyler was done before the date even began. She looked out of the window and watched him speed out of her neighborhood and into the strip. Isaiah blasted his music as always, not caring that it was a little obnoxious to others. When he seen Tyler squinting out of the window, he turned the music down and glanced at her.

"So, what'd you wanna do after I stop at my boys house?" Isaiah asked.

"I dunno." Tyler said, still looking out of the window. "What would YOU like to do?"

"Well since you a girl and all, would you like to go shopping or some shit?" Isaiah asked. "I could go to and go cop me another pair of Adida's or something."

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