Chapter 31 - Lion's Cub.

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For the whole entire time that Tyler stayed around them, she didn't talk. She just counted their money and continued to count it until they got done selling. Once they were finished, she stood up and smiled at the boys, gripping onto her purse and preparing to make her way out.

"Since we're all doing a week, it's your turn tomorrow." Tyler said, placing a nervous smile on her face.

"What the hell?" Stacey snarled as he wrapped up his drugs. "It's only been a day!"

"I think that we should do it every other day. 7 days each." Tyler smiled. "That way, we can swap roles everyday and the first person that quits, has to do what they put in the bet!"

"Shit, alright. You on." Carlos shrugged as he grabbed Tyler's hand.

The second Carlos grabbed her hand, Tyler gasped and jumped back, giving him a terrified look. She looked at everyone, then stormed out of the house. Me and the other boys have off a weird look, turning to each other.

"What the hell was that about?" I asked, laughing as I changed the channel to Carlos's TV.

"I don't know." Carlos laughed. "You'da thought she has shock syndrome or some shi-"

"She thought I was gonna rape her." Isaiah interrupted, starting off into space and clicking his razor against the table.

Me and the others had no clue what he was talking about.

"Huh?" We all said as the same time.

"I went to talk to her, and she thought I was gonna rape her cause I did it before." Isaiah snarled. "She acting too paranoid and shit."

"It's probably cause she still afraid of you, nigga." Q laughed.

"But for what, though?!" Isaiah snarled. "I ain't been nothing but nice to her!"

"You don't know what it's like to be in the position of a rape victim!" I snarled. "Can you imagine how scary it is to be robbed of your virginity, Isaiah? We not women, so we don't know how painful that is! You cut yo' own fathers dick off for doing that shit to yo' moms!"

Isaiah looked away, shaking his head. Based by his demeanor, I could tell that he wasn't getting it. Since he was never in the position of fear, he had no clue what it was like to be afraid of someone.

"I'm trying to change, Josh..." Isaiah growled at me, bowing his head. "But ain't shit I'm doing working, which is why I'm the same nigga.."

"That don't mean that you need to give up." I said, not caring that the other boys were listening in on our conversation. "Good deeds never go unrewarded, Isaiah."

"Yeah well I'm just wondering when i'ma get my reward." Isaiah snarled as he shook his head, scooping the dirt off of the table. "Because I can't take this 'acting too nice' shit for long."

During the middle of the night, Isaiah awoke to the sound of vibrating from his phone. He flipped over and seen that it was Tyler, reaching over Kayson and answering his phone.

"Hello?" Isaiah snarled.

"Hey." Tyler groaned.

"What do you want?"

"I called to um.......apologize about today." Tyler mumbled.


Tyler sighed and could tell that Isaiah was upset of what she accused him of.

"I was paranoid because two of Stacey's buyers were touching and trying to feel on me outside of Carlos's house." Tyler groaned. "After that, I got paranoid. I get paranoid every time someone touches or places their hands on me because it feels like I'm going to be taken advantage of. I'm....I get a little paranoid sometimes.."

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