Chapter 56 - Decisions...

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The next day, Isaiah called Tyler and let her know that he would be dropping Kayson off. After Tyler's father and Francesca went to work, she called and let him know when her sister went to sleep. When Isaiah arrived, Tyler took Kayson from him and sighed.

"Isaiah." Tyler called out as he stopped at the door.


"Are you liking Florida so far?"

"No. Too many rules in this bitch.." Isaiah snarled, shaking his head. "I gotta ride wit a seatbelt, Kayson gotta be in his carseat, don't do this, don't do dat....."

"Well would you still stay here with me if I asked?" Tyler winked as she stood by the door.

Isaiah gave her an evil look, then started walking away.

"Bye, Ty."

"WAIT ISAIAH!" Tyler shouted as she wrestled in her pockets for a piece of paper. "I got something for you...."

Isaiah gave her a weird look as she handed him a crumpled flyer. It said "Looking to hire at the ABC Daycare."

"If you're gonna stay here, you gotta get a regular job." Tyler smiled. "You can start here!"

"Hold on, I ain't finna work at no daycare!" Isaiah snapped. "You askin' fo too much."

"I suggested that you work at the nursing home and who'd you meet? Lucy." Tyler nodded. "You should really try to work with some children, especially since Kayson isn't going to be a child forever."

Isaiah shook his head and jogged off to his car.

"So are you gonna go there or not?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah..." Isaiah said in an unenthusiastic tone.

"I'll be calling to check!" Tyler cheesed as she shut the door. "Bye!"

Just as Tyler was about to head to the kitchen, Kayson's bottom lip started to quiver as Isaiah left his sight.

"Mmmhmm..." Kayson whined as he looked at Tyler. "Mmsshh. Bah?"

"Kayson, daddy will be back!" Tyler plead. "I promise!"

Just as Kayson got ready to cry, Tyler placed him in her lap and started playing peek-a-boo. She covered her face, then opened her hands with a smile. Kayson stopped whining and stared blankly up at her. She did it too more times, when Kayson clenched his fingers and kicked his feet.

"Aaauuhaaaaaaah!" Kayson smiled, liking the game.

"See? I told you that we could have fun!" Tyler smiled. "You wanna go play, Kayson?"

Kayson clicked his tongue on his mouth and looked around. Tyler wanted to keep him as happy as possible. For the rest of the day, Tyler spent time with Nicky and Kayson while her dad and Francesca were at work. Not used to being around babies, Nicky was having fun playing with him. As Tyler prepared a bottle on the stove, Nicky held him and played with the toys in his bag.

"Can I feed him, Tyler?" Nicky plead.

"Yes." Tyler nodded. "But you have to hold him right, okay?"


After the bottle was ready, Tyler handed the bottle to Nicky and watched as she placed it in Kayson's mouth. As he gulped and looked around the room, Tyler began to clean up around the living room so that she didn't have to worry about it later on. She spent around 15 minutes cleaning around, when Nicky shouted that Kayson was finished with his bottle.

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