1.The Element of Suprise

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A/N: So excited about this new fic. I've been bitten by the Milex bug and now it's destroying my life, oh no. The idea for this is heavily stemmed from the Videos for Aviation and everything you've come to expect. A note about the timeline. The story starts out Post AM but prior to Everything You've come to Expect. Any feedback that you have would be a great help!Thanks, I hope you enjoy this first chapter

A/N 2021: Hey everyone. Thank you so much for 100k. I never dreamed this woukd happen. So. Let the updates begin. I hope you like 2.0. I willl be gradually releasing the edits as i finish them. Thanks again for your continued support. Love you all.

           Miles Kane sat at his kitchen table smoking the last of a cigarette. A beer sat sweating near his elbow. Beer for breakfast was not his usual M.O. However, any hopes of spending the day sober had gone out the window when the post came in. In front of him on the table sat a wedding announcement for a girl Named Catalina Mazzeo, whom Kane had never met, and Alex Turner. 

    The invite was minimalistic and elegant. Dark blue with cut-out laces details over the same metallic silver that the font was etched in. The Wedding Date was to be that coming November and would be held in New York City. But this particular invite was different from the dozens of others sent out to save the date. It was set apart by the inclusions of the words 'call me' at the bottom in Alex's sloppy penmanship. 

    He'd been allowing those words to taunt him mercilessly all morning as he played out dozens of possible scenarios in his mind. Alex would be wanting to talk his ear off about this new bird. He'd insist Miles had to meet her. He'd casually ask if Miles was seeing anyone, make an off-color joke about having to find him a date for the wedding, and that would be the end of it if he was lucky. He crushed the embers of his cigarette into the center of the paper. There was no way he'd be attending that wedding and  he had no intention of calling Alex with his RSVP.

          Had his former bandmate cared to reach out to him he'd have made the call himself. At first it was understandable. With the success of Arctic Monkey's last record Alex had been in high demand. But, it had been nearly a year since the AM tour finished and the band had decided to take a break. As time wore on he understood that Alex wasn't interested in speaking to him and Miles was too stubborn to break the silence. With the way things had been left between them Alex could have done a better job delivering the news of his engagement. Even having heard through the tabloids might have been better than an announcement in the mail.

    As far as Miles was concerned his life was much less complicated without Alex around. Over the years apart he's convinced himself he was happier this way! Yet a few simple words had shattered the illusion. Miles had once again been overcome with the tidal wave of chaos that was Alex Turner sweeping out of his calm waters. As he sipped his beer in silence he allowed his mind to wander back to the last time he'd seen Alex. 

             London, May 5th, 2011. He was only able to remember the date so clearly because it had been his record release party. He'd felt on top of the world that night. His first solo record was hitting the shelves the next morning. The hard work was done! Now it was time to celebrate, and there was no one that Miles would rather be sharing his spotlight with than Alex. Alex, after all, had helped to co-write a good amount of the record with him. It was a triumph for them both as far as Miles was concerned. It wasn't the same as how the two had worked on their 2008 album together. Even still he was sure that he couldn't have done it without Alex.

    They'd spent the entire night hanging around having a few too many drinks with their friends. All the Arctic Monkeys boys had been there. As well as Miles's former bandmates from The Rascals. Everyone who'd worked on the record was in attendance as well as people from the label, different members of the press, and of course a handful of beautiful women who'd made their way onto the list. Everyone there wanted a piece of Miles that night, but he only cared about the attention of one person that evening.

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