Meeting the pack, or pups

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When I awoke what had just happened was a blur. I could faintly remember an attack but as I looked about I couldn't see Logan. The wolves must have taken him!

I let out a snarl as I heard more pawsteps. They were much gentler but I wasn't taking any chances. I surged forward and extended my extremely long claws on what looked like a pack of pups.

"Please don't hurt us," begged a silver she-wolf with bright blue eyes. She was pressed against a black and white male wolf who looked to be her brother.

"Who are you," I asked as I take my claws in and shake my head to clear it.

"I'm Badgerpaw," the black and male introduced.

"Paw," I echo in confusion.

"Yeah," added his sister. "Paw mean that your following the steps of a true wolf. You'll get your full wolf name like Badgerfang, claw, wind, storm, stuff that that. I'm Lingeringpaw."

I dipped my head. "I'm Starlight. Have you seen my human?"

"Human," gasped a white and silver she-wolf with wings like me. "I don't want to see a human!"

"A human killed our pack," muttered a russet she-wolf. "We're the only ones left."

My eyes brighten. "If you help me find my human maybe I can help you form a new pack," she offered. She knew that these pups knew this wilderness better than she ever would.

"Okay," Badgerpaw murmured.

"Could I know your names," I pressed as I gleamed at the pups.

Badgerpaw nudged Lingeringpaw forward. They were brother and sister. "I'm Riverpaw," introduced the russet she-wolf.

"Flamepaw," replied a bright orange she-wolf with black hints.

"Stonepaw." This wolf was the smallest but he had a very heard head and spikes. His teeth were short and sharp and then I realized that he was a Burrowing Wolf.

"Skypaw." She was a lean white she-wolf with one amber eye and one blue eye.

"N-Nightpaw," stammered a small black she-wolf with dull green eyes.

"Runningpaw." He was a light and brown mixed male with green eyes.

I nodded and dipped my head to the apprentices. "Do you know where a human would take another human?"

Badgerpaw tilted his head. "There is an old cabin and for a few rotations (months) smoke has come out of the chimney," he barked as he turned to his group. "Does anyone know which direction it is?"

"I do," assured Flamepaw as she reared on her hind legs and let her fur bristle. "I can find it easily."

Skypaw, Runningpaw, and Lingeringpaw spread their wings and flapped forward. Nightpaw spread her wings but she was slower and she barely made it off of the ground. Stonepaw nudged her forward and her wings opened and she slid forward much easier.

I wasn't sure if this was such a good idea of following pups I had just met but I didn't have anything to lose.

Trapped (Sequel to Becomming and Animal X-men Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now