Thruster's Mutant Power

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I surged forward, the blood roaring in my ears as I leaped over a wolf and slammed my paws into his spine, breaking it and killing him easily.

I turned my head with my face healing since a wolf had managed to nearly clawed out my eye. I let out a groan and then I turned my head as I saw a Claw Wolf bounding toward me. A claw Wolf was surging toward me from the other direction. I let out a gasp of fear and I ducked down in fear.

Suddenly one Claw Wolf leaped over me and I realized he was diving for the other Claw Wolf. The first Claw Wolf realized that there was no other wolf and he looked around in shock.

I turned my head and saw Mirage. His paw was trembling as he tried to concentrate on the illusion that he was making. I let out a gasp and bounded forward. I leaped on the Claw Wolf and broke his neck.

"Great job Mirage," I praised.

His eyes glowed but suddenly Poultice darted forward and touched a Claw Wolf's body. He seemed to freeze and he let out a whimper. Mirage sunk his teeth into the wolf's neck until he made it to the life giving artery and slit it. The wolf fell dead and Mirage turned to Poultice.

"That was amazing," Mirage murmured as he licked his brother's ear. "How in the world of Lupus did you do that?"

"I can read someone's memory or project my own thoughts onto someone. Apparently that wolf's memories were very painful," he barked as his tail began to wag.

I smiled and bounded toward them. "You two made a great team but let's praise each other later," I suggested as I scooped my muzzle under Poultice and then nudged Mirage forward. "We can't just wait for things to happen."

A wail suddenly sounded and it sent a jolt up my spine. I set Poultice down and he pressed against his brother. I saw Riversong laying limp on the ground with Runningbreeze in the same condition.

"No," wailed Mirage as he tried to surge forward but I grasped his scruff and pulled the thrashing pup backwards. I set him next to Poultice and had to make sure he didn't try to weave around me.

I heard a snarl as Triflud leaped on my back and tried to hold me down. I thrashed around but he sunk his claws into my back and tickled my spine. "How easily it could be to paralyze you like your Professor," he taunted as his eyes lit with an insane light. He actually enjoyed this!

"Leave her be!"

I lifted my head to see Thruster bounded toward us. To my dismay his wings spread (you probably didn't even know he had wings because I didn't) and he bared his teeth in a snarl. He took to the sky and then came down on Triflud. He threw Triflud into the wall and Triflud rushed to his paws, pain prevalent on his face.

Thruster stood over me but I didn't recognize them. He was stronger and larger than I remembered him. He had wings now and his white markings were more noticeable. I could tell he was a mutant but I didn't know which one. (I knew he was a mutant because Poultice told me. He can detect other mutants just like Silvermoon.)

"Thruster," I asked in shock. This wasn't the Thruster that I had remembered.

"It's me," he assured as he licked my cheek and nudged me to my paws. My back had healed but my shock hadn't!

"What's your mutant power," I asked as I touched my nose to his ear.

He let out a laugh and licked my cheek affectionately. "Well you could say I er am a bit of a beast. I used to be like this all the time but I just wasn't sure how others would er take it."

"Well I think it's just wonderful," I told him as I touched my nose to his. "I think that you should just stay this way."

He looked down at his fur which was very thick and very orange, like a lion's mane. "You really like it?"

I nodded and rested my paw on his. "I really do. I really do."

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