Another Full Wolf Ceremony

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"Silverpaw, Twistedpaw do you promise to uphold the full wolf code and protect your pack even at the cost of your life," I asked both pups although I knew that they had already pledged the oath when they were born. They have proved them-self every hour of everyday.

"I do," murmured Silverpaw as she swished her tail.

"Yes," barked Twistedpaw as his eyes gleamed and he stretched his head upward to the sky. I could tell he was bouncing with excitement and he just wanted to dart around but he managed to contain himself.

"Then Twistedpaw from this moment on you shall be known as-" I thought for a heartbeat. Everyone expected me to call him Twistedfoot, after his foot. That would be cruel beyond measure and after all that he had done for us I was not about to allow that to happen. "Twistedfate! Lupus honors your dedication and courage and welcomes you as a full wolf of the X-Pack."

Twistedfate turned to Silverpaw with wide eyes. He had expected me to call him Twistedfoot. Silverpaw let out a laugh and licked her ear. "Starlight is cruel but not that cruel."

I wanted to snap at her but I controlled myself. That would push me over the not that cruel mark and I didn't' need that.

"Silverpaw from this moment on you shall be known as Silvermoon. Lupus honors your intelligence and perseverance and honors you as a full wolf of the X-Pack!"





Everyone chanted their names and once they were finished I leaped down beside them. I licked each of their shoulders in turn before urging them to turn and face their family.

"Finally full wolves," murmured Nightsecret as she turned to Silvermoon. "Your parents would be so proud of you."

"I know," she muttered as her eyes darkened. "I just wish they could have seen this."

"They are," I assured as I turned my nose to the sky. "They have seen you and are continuing to watch over you for the rotations to come."

Trapped (Sequel to Becomming and Animal X-men Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now