Homeward Bound

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"I see it! I see it!"

Rouge's shrill cry jolted me from my daydream. My wings didn't feel the least bit tired but they were almost frozen stiff. I turned my head toward Rouge. "See what?"

"The school," Logan replied grumpily as he pressed his head against his hands. I knew how much he hated flying and the last thing I needed was for him to tell me how to land. "It's right in front of you."

"We're heading down," called Keen as he looked over his shoulder and called to Mirage. Mirage turned to me and I tipped my head since I already heard.

Thruster took a sharp nose dive down but managed to keep the sled up. I did the same and my feathers expanded to make my landing gentle. My eyes flickered as I saw the grass of New York under my paws. I lowered down and Logan rushed from the back. He really hated flying.

I turned to Mirage and helped him out of his lead. He bolted to his brother and helped him and Keen out of theirs. I let out a happy bark as Thruster raced to me and touched his muzzle to mine. I blushed and shuffled my paws.

"Come on," urged Logan as he walked between Thruster and I. "We better let anyone know that we're alright."

I dipped my head to Thruster before bounding beside Logan. I may have feelings for Thruster but Logan was my companion, my best friend and our companionship would never dwindle to nothing.

We all strode through the doors and kids raced to meet us. They had been so worried but Professor assured everyone that we were fine. I let out a growl when children tried to pet me. But it didn't made a difference. They just kept petting me and eventually I stopped growling and rolled on my stomach to allow them to rub it.

Later that day Professor called a meeting and you'll never guess what he said would happen....

He's making everyone try to get a companion! An animal mutant companion. He had already found his, Thruster and I was Logan's. There were a lot of students so it would be difficult to find other companions but not impossible. I was looking forward to finding a companion for each and every student.

Trapped (Sequel to Becomming and Animal X-men Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now