I Lost a Friend, Lost in the Bitterness

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Silvermoon flapped her wings and showed her wings at a Claw Wolf. The glass shards surged toward the wolf and it slitted it's throat. It fell to the ground, dead.

Her eyes shone but suddenly Triflud leaped onto her shoulders and thew her to the ground. He snarled to another two wolves to hold her down. He beckoned to another wolf and I watched as he placed a gun in his paws! I didn't even know a wolf could hold a gun but with his long claws I suppose it's possible.

Twistedfate let out a snarl and bolted forward. Triflud smacked Twistedfate's head with the butt of the gun and he collapsed against the side of the holding cell for the mutants. He tried to rise up but he head was spinning.

The wolves threw Silvermoon against the side of the enclosure. I saw her body thrash in pain and she struggled to breath until they released their grip on her neck. He knew that she wasn't going anywhere.

I tried to dart forward but a wolf leaped on me and held my head to the ground. The rest of the wolves had their own problems to worry about. They couldn't help Silvermoon.

Twistedfate managed to clear his thoughts and he let out a snarl. He shifted his paws to position himself into an attack position. He surged forward but Triflud took the gun and slammed it against his twisted leg, right below the shoulder. He let out a snarl of pain with his eyes squeezed shut. He fell backwards holding his leg which was in no doubt broken.

Silvermoon tried to rush to Twistedfate's side but Triflud pressed the gun against her head. Silvermoon stopped moving and her body froze. She blinked her eyes but they didn't flicker in fear. It was as if she knew what I was coming yet she wasn't afraid of it.

"Go ahead," she barked as she turned her eyes on Triflud and rolled his eyes. "I don't care if you kill me. I know where I'm going, do you."

"No,"argued Twistedfate as he pressed against Silvermoon and suddenly reached out and grasped her paw in his. "Don't leave me. I-I love you Silvermoon. I want you to be my mate."

Silvermoon's eyes shinned. "Yes. I will be your mate. I love you too." Twistedfate licked her cheek and tears filled his eyes but he didn't show how much this was scaring him.

Triflud pulled the trigger and shot Silvermoon right through the head. Her eyes widened in shock and she collapsed against the ground, her body limp.

"No," cried Twistedfate as teams streamed down his face. He then turned to Triflud with his fur bristling. "Just kill me now. I have nothing to live for."

Triflud's eyes glowed. "It's better just to let out live and live through the pain that you feel!"

He suddenly shot the gun forward and slammed them against his other three legs. He let out cries and slumped to the ground, unable to move because of his now four broken legs.

Triflud threw the gun down and turned to his pack. "Come on, we have done what we intended for the day."

The wolf leaped off me and I sunk my teeth into his shoulder before throwing himself toward Triflud. He bolted away with a yelp and I let out a snarl.

I rushed to Twistedfate's side and I saw that he was nearly unconscious with moans escaping from his mouth.

"Silvermoon," wailed Miragepup as he rushed to her side and pressed himself into her bloody body. He began to sob and my heart ached for him.

Poulticepup hung back, too shocked to join his brother. Thruster bounded toward me and sunk his teeth into Twistedfate's scruff before flinging him over his back. "I'll take him to my den and try to help him."

"Will be live or walk again," I asked as I looked at Twistedfate who looked as if he fate really was twisted.

"Only time will tell," he confessed as he strode toward his den, still limping from the gash on his shoulder.

Riversong bounded to my side with one of her eyes swollen shut. She let out a sigh and grasped her son's scruff. "No! No!" He wailed one of the worst sounds I had ever heard.

While Miragepup showed his pain vocally his brother was quite the opposite. He was still with shock and it looked like a feather could push him over. Riversong wrapped her tail around him and had to drag him toward Thrusters den. They needed herbs even more than Twistedfate did.

I turned my eyes to the sky. "What more will you do to us!" I spat to no one in particular. "How much will you take away from me? What have I done so wrong?"

My breath was caught in my throat and I staggered before falling with my body thrashing madly. Anger surged for me but I just couldn't move. The whole world went black and I felt my body go limp.

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