I'm not a Teacher

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I suddenly sprang forward and pushed against her underbelly and turned Silverpup to the sky. Her wings caught air but she didn't know what to do next.

I sighed and spread my wings before flying toward her.

"What do I do now," she wailed in shock as she threw her wings forward. I touched her gingerly with my wing tip.

"You just need to flap to churn the air," I explained as I showed her.

She copied me and she let out a breath as she turned and looked at her wings. She turned her feather and felt each puff of wind whip through her. "What is it," I snapped once she didn't say anything for a while.

"It's just I never thought flying would feel this way," she confessed as she flapped her wings and her tips almost touched. She looked like a professional.

I had to admit that flying was nice. I remembered the first time I had flown, with Muffler. I suddenly shook my head to clear it when I heard Silverpup speaking to me.

"Do you know how to do light speed," she asked.

Light speed was a speed where Wolvys could fly at extreme speed, as if in their own world. It was very deadly since no one knew that you were coming if you advanced into light speed. Although light speed was very tricky to master. I hadn't mastered it until I was an adult.

"I do," I reply as I made a bank turn and she copied me with little trouble.

"Then can you teach me?"

I shook my head. "You're too young. Beside this is your first day flying. You'll learn light speed in time."

She looked crestfallen but brightened quickly. "Hey Silverpup!"

Silverpup turned to see Twistedpup leaping up and down and chanting her name. She chuckled and flew downward. She tried to spread her wings for a nice landing but she ended up plowing into Twistedpup and taking him to the ground. They both giggled as fell into a ball of limps and tails.

I landed nicely with my paws just grazing the ground. I folded my wings against my flank and I looked at the pups and chuckled. "Alright you two." I picked up Silverpup by the scruff and she laughed.

I set her down and she leaped for my nose. I leaned down and licked her between the ears. She growled but Twistedpup let out a howl and they bounded off toward the edge of the room.

Deadspirit lumbered toward me with his ears plastered against his head. He didn't approve of his daughter's friendship with Twistedpup.

"You know that one day she'll be a full wolf just like you and then she can chose who she wants to mate with," I pointed out, aware that the mutants were listening to me.

Deadspirit narrowed his eyes. "I don't think so. She is my daughter but that does not mean that she is free to make her own decisions."

"So you are going to be one of those over protective fathers," I grumbled as I turned my gaze on Tony with my eyes narrowed to slits. He ducked back behind the Professor.

He shook his head. I just don't trust Twistedpup and I will not let him get too close to my daughter!"

Trapped (Sequel to Becomming and Animal X-men Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now