Lab Rats

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I opened my eyes and my head felt as though I had just been slammed against a solid rock. I tried to move but I realized I was on a strange table on another room! It was all white with strange contraptions.

The mutants were still in their cell but this time they could see much better out. They still couldn't get out but I knew this was just to make them watch us suffer.

I saw the rest of us begin to stir. The only one who wasn't with us was Thruster.

"Good," rumbled Triflud. "You're awake."

He wasn't speaking to me. He was speaking to Silverpaw. He inched toward her and rubbed her chin. She snapped at his paw but he drew back, his eyes lighting in amusement. He took out a needle which had a strange substance dripping from it.

"What is that," whimpered Silverpaw.

"Ask Tony," beamed Triflud. "I've got all of these toxins from him since he's such and expect in making these with his wolf group."

I turned on him with my jaws flapping. If my paw hadn't been tied down in chains I would have tried to snap his throat. "You did this?! Even after we tried to save you!"

He shook his head. "I'm not in league with him. The only thing I want to do with him is kill him."

Triflud wasn't listening though. He inched toward Silverpaw with the needle ready to stride. He shoved it into one of her paws and Silverpaw looked at it. She began to shake madly and she collapsed, her eyes rolling back in her head.

"Silverpaw," wailed Twistedpaw before he surged forward. The chain around his neck choked him before he could bound toward Silverpaw.

Triflud let out a growl. "Well that didn't work. Who's next."

"Me," I howled as I lowed down. "I will take every needle that you were going to inject into these pups. They don't deserve it, I do."

"Starlight no," growled Logan as he pounded his fists against the glass but nothing happened. He then turned to Triflud. "As soon as I have the chance I will personally slit your throat and watch your life ebb away."

Triflud rolled his eyes. "I'm so scared," he barked sarcastically as he turned to me. "Now I'm going to inject something in each of you that should either turn you to me or kill you."

Suddenly I saw some villas of toxin begin to swish. They suddenly were thrust from their bottles and into Triflud's eyes. Triflud let out a wail and fell into my table. He shook it and I wobbled a bit. I turned my head to Twistedpaw and I saw that he had his paw pointed toward the containers of toxin.

"You can manipulate toxins," Runningbreeze gasped in shock.

"No," someone rasped. "He can manipulate all liquid."

"Silverpaw," gasped Nightsecret with relief. "I'm so relieved that you are alright."

I was more concerned with what she had just said. "How did you know that Twistedpaw can manipulate water?"

Silverpaw lashed her tail. "My mutant power is that I can tell other mutant's power and also locate them."

"She's a build in cyerbro," gasped Jean as she turned to the Professor. He just nodded and didn't say anything.

"Then what did Trifllud inject into you," asked Stonestep.

She shrugged. "I don't know yet." She suddenly looked to Logan and let out a yelp. Her eyes seemed to roll all around and she shoved her paws over her ears.

"What's wrong," I asked.

She let out a whimper. "I just got like a series of flashbacks from Logan."

"Oh no," I murmured as I turned to the toxins. "She now has the power to remember others pasts. Triflud wanted that power but he needed to know how it would work on another wolf."

Silverpaw shook her head. "I don't want the power. It hurts."

I lowered my head and sunk my fangs into the chain and snapped it with my long fangs. I leaped down from the table and started biting through the rest of my friend's chains.

"We have to go, now."

I turned but Triflud was waiting for me and he slammed my head into the ground and the whole world went black yet again.

Trapped (Sequel to Becomming and Animal X-men Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now