Nightpaw's Secret

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"I want that wolf dead," spat Triflud as he swiveled his head toward Lingeringpaw.

"Why her," asked a wolf named Helmph.

"Because she has corrupted my son," Triflud replied as he bared his teeth as Lingeringpaw and Deadpaw pranced around, defeating wolves easily as a team. "That will crush him and that will be punishment for changing loyalties."

Helmph nodded and turned to Ignite. "Follow me," he instructed as he bounded forward with Ignite following. They surged forward and Ignite was the decoy. She surged forward and Lingeringpaw leaped over her shoulders and sunk her claws into her spine and thrust her against the ground. Deadpaw finished her off but suddenly Helmph surged forward.

He grasped Lingeringpaw's shoulders and thrust her against the hard substance of the holding cell. "No," screech Tony as he eyed Helmph. "Leave her be!"

Helmph narrowed his eyes and bared them at Tony. "I'm going to kill her."

Deadpaw lunged for Helmph but Helmph shot his paw against his jaw and threw him aside. Helmph sunk his claws into her chest and twisted. Lingeringpaw's eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed onto the ground.

"No," wailed Deadpaw as he hobbled to his paws and leaped for Helmph. Helmph reached out a paw and slashed his claw under Deadpaw's eye. This was a scar that would never go away.

He blinked his eye as blood dripped into it. He hopped to Lingeringpaw and tears streamed down his face. "Lingeringpaw, don't leave me. Your my best friend and I never want to leave you."

I darted forward and sunk my teeth into Helmph's neck and killed him. "Lingeringpaw," I asked as I turned the white she-wolf who's pelt was now crimson in blood.

"We were going to have pups together," murmured Deadpaw. "Beautiful white she-wolves. Just like you."

Nightpaw suddenly turned to Stonepaw. "I have to do something."

"What can you do," asked Stonepaw as he tilted his head in confusion.

Nightpaw looked at her paws which were beginning to turn silver. "I can help her. I can help her," she kept repeating as she staggered forward and blinked her eyes. "I can save her."

"What can she do," growled Deadpaw as he lifted his head from Lingeringpaw's head.

"I've never heard Nightpaw speak," I murmured. "It has to be something good."

"It is," assured Stonepaw as he bounded forward. "Just let her heal her."

Deadpaw took a step back and allowed Nightpaw to take his place. She placed her paws together before the silver grew to a bright light. She licked her tail before touching it to Lingeringpaw's nose. Sparks flowed from Nightpaw's tail and as she walked the sparks flooded through Lingeringpaw's body.

Lingeringpaw suddenly fluttered her eyes. "Lingeringpaw," gasped Deadpaw in relief as he darted forward and embraced Lingeringpaw in a hug.

"How did you do that," I yelped as my attention turned from Lingeringpaw to Nightpaw.

Nightpaw shifted her paws in fear. "She has the power to heal others, just not herself," explained Stonepaw so that Nightpaw wouldn't have to speak.

"Why didn't you just say so," asked Riverpaw. "The rest of us did."

Nightpaw shuffled her paws. "It's not as easy for me to communicate."

"That okay," Stonepaw," murmured as he licked Nightpaw's cheek. "You did a great job."

"Thank you Nightpaw," barked Deadpaw as he dipped his head to Nightpaw. "I owe you my life."

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