Back to Normal, or is It?

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I walked along the hallways, pricking my ears. I heard pups and children laughing as they played since it was recess. We had found a few companions but not that many yet. However it was still the first week since we had been back.

"Hey Starlight," called Poultice as he bounded toward me, his eyes shinning bright.

He had grown since the last time I had seen him. I lowered my head and touched his nose to mine. "How are you like the school," I asked brightly.

He let out a yip and nearly flipped. "I love it! The teachers are so nice and I'm learning so much." He was so excited he was beginning to wander into my mind.

I shook him to halt his thought as he managed to focus on my face instead of my memories. "Have you found your companion yet?"

He nodded and touched his green crystal. "Yeah. There is Rouge's friend named Bobby. He can control ice and he is now my companion. We do everything together but he's at a study date right now for physics. I'm just walking or flying around."

"Well I'm glad," I yipped before hearing Bobby's voice. "Your companion calling you. You better go and see what he needs. He might need your help to study."

Poultice rubbed his cheek against mine before flying toward Bobby. I chuckled to myself and saw Logan walking toward me. He lowered his hand and scratched me between the ears. "Where are you going," I asked curiously.

"Professor wants to see me, you two," he added.

I spread my wings and flew overhead. We made it to his office and came in although he had a class. I saw Keen sitting with a girl named Kitty. They both had the same power so it was no surprise that Keen's blue crystal had showed that she was his forever companion.

Xavier saw us and wrapped up his lesson. "I need chapter 27 summary on my desk tomorrow. You can read the rest for homework if you didn't finish."

The teens began to gather their things. "Are you still doing the play for it," asked Kitty.

The Professor chuckled. "Of course. Tomorrow we'll figure out who is playing who."

"Yeah," added Keen as he slapped his paw against Kitty's hand. They ran to the door and disappeared with everyone else following.

I shook my head as Keen passed and I saw Thruster behind the Professor. His fur was neat and groomed and he looked to have been transformed into a teacher overnight.

"You needed to see us," Logan asked although it still came out a growl like it usually did.

The Professor nodded and wheeled toward us. Thruster followed with his crystal bumping his chest. I looked down at mine and realized I had taken my off and neither had the other pups. Every pups got once when they came now that matched them. It was strange how them seemed to know who you could and would help.

"I see that you guys have gotten back to the swing of things here," the Professor commented before I stretched out my head and touched noses with my mate.

Logan nodded. "I suppose. It seems like everyone else has too. Still given homework early on."

The Professor shrugged. "I'm sure they haven't had homework or tests for a few months."

I shrugged in agreement. I'm just glad my days of learning were over. "I was wondering if either of you would be open to being full time teachers."

"Teachers," Logan and I gasped in union.

"Us as teachers," Logan asked a growl rolled in the back of his throat. "In what?"

"Perhaps physical education," suggested Thruster to Logan. "You can have gym class. That shouldn't be too difficult."

Logan shrugged and crossed his arms. "Perhaps." He seemed a bit open since gym class was just fun. You just ran around and played games.

"What about me,"I asked as I shuffled my paws.

"Perhaps you can teach the pups more about themselves and their powers. You already know how to be a companion also. You can be like the counselor and main helper for the animals," the Professor suggested.

The thought that he considered animals to be a completely different species than them sent a jolt up my spine but I didn't let it bother me. I just swallowed my rage and managed to nod.

"Alright that doesn't sound that bad," I muttered as I shrugged. "I'll hold lessons outside in power controlling with the mutant students as well. Perhaps they'd like to help their companions."

"Excellent," the Professor exclaimed as he turned to Thruster. "You and I can observe it and see when the pups are ready to become members of the X-Pack."

"You're keeping that fish-brained pack name," I asked in shock as I narrowed my eyes.

"Of course! It saved our lives Starlight," the Professor reminded me as if I had forgotten so easily.

Thruster bounded to my side and licked my ear. "The X-Pack is just like X-Men for animals. They will do the same thing that X-men do with them except they are called something different."

I nodded. "Alright. So who's the leader of this X-Pack?"

Thruster looked at the Professor before the Professor looked at Logan. I worked my long claws against the ground, waiting for someone to say something. "You," they all answered at once.

"Me," I echoed.

Logan nodded. "You came up with the idea of companions and you have the most experience. You will lead the X-Pack members along with X-men whenever needed."

I beamed and spread my wings. I soared upward and Thruster followed me. I turned to look at Logan and the Professor below me. My life was suddenly seeming to be worth it.

Trapped (Sequel to Becomming and Animal X-men Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now