Akra Abla

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"Akra Abla," echoed Tony as his eyes turned troubled. "Isn't there another den? Do we have to stay here?"

Thruster turned to Tony with blazing eyes as sparks began to fly off of his pelt in anger. "We don't have a choice. If we don't stop soon the pups die! What are you afraid of?"

"N-Nothing," stammered Tony although I wasn't fish-brained. He was afraid and I was glad.

I unhooked myself from the ropes and grasped Keen's scruff while nudging Mirage forward gently. He stumbled a bit and I realized that he couldn't walk anymore. I caught him with my muzzle and I placed him gently on my shoulders, with my wings pushed up to make sure he didn't fall off.

I strode in and a draft smacked me in the face. It wasn't the nicest den I had ever seen but it was going to have to do. Thruster strode in with Poultice and took some old fur and dried leaves and pushed them in the middle of a den. Once Logan came in he asked him to rub his Adamantium claws together to make a spark. It fell and it ignited the leaves.

I urged Keen, Mirage, and Poultice toward it. They all looked weak and almost dead already. I curled around them and tried to warm them up. They obviously had a fever but they were shivering.

Everyone else gathered around the fire and Logan turned to Tony. "What's so wrong about this cave?"

Tony bared his teeth. "Akra Abla is cursed!" His pupils began to skirt madly around in his eyes. "If anything bad is going to happen, it's going to happen here."

I let out a growl and the fire crackled around me. "Awful things have already happened," I reminded as I lowered my head around the pups. "This is just a den and a den is a den."

"I agree," murmured Thruster as he padded over to the pups and checked their pulse. He then pressed his nose to their cheek's to test their temperature. "It will be a miracle if they survive."

"They must," Rouge argued as she scooted toward me. I growled but Logan rested his hand on my back and stroked me.

"It's alright Starlight. She just wants to help," he told me although I could hear the grief in his voice. He knew that they had risked their own lives to save his. Not just them, their parents too.

I lifted my head and allowed Rouge to see the pups. They weren't pups anymore, they were full wolves but they were young to be full wolves. Rouge touched each pup's head but stopped at Keen. He was the smallest since he was the youngest. He probably didn't even realize that his sister was dead.

"So young," murmured Rouge as she sat back and Logan urged her away from the flames. "I couldn't bare the thought if they died so that I could live."

"They did it because they care about you," I told them as I licked Poultice between the ears. "I told them about the school and they really wanted to go there. They wanted to learn, wanted to make friends, and most importantly they wanted to learn to control their powers and become X-Men."

Xavier thought for a moment before stretching out his hand and grazing Thruster's ear. Thruster let out a rumble and rubbed his head against Xavier's wheel. "I think that I should allow animals into my school."

"How about every human having a companion," suggested Scott. "Like Storm had Dagger and Logan has Starlight. Every mutant should have a mutant animal as well, to keep them safe and provide a constant companionship."

"I agree," I murmured as I turned my eyes to the Professor. "It's a very generous thing to do."

Xavier shook his head. "It's the least I can do for what wolves have done for us."

I smiled and turned to Thruster. He padded to me and pressed against us so that our fur brushed. He rested his head on my back and I touched my nose to his cheek.

A growl rolled in Tony's throat and I realized that my father was being protective of me. He actually didn't want me to have a mate.

"We should rest," suggested Magneto as he lied down although I knew it wasn't very comfortable for mutants who were used to beds and blankets but I didn't care. We had rescued them after losing a lot of friends, what more did they want.

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