Making Iron Claws

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Silverpaw sprawled out and tried to stretch out her claws but they ached too much. She let out a groan and licked the blood away.

"Are you alright," asked Twistedpaw as he bounded to her side and licked her between the ears.

"My claws really hurt," she replied as she showed them bleeding to Twistedpaw. "I wonder if Thruster has anything for them."

Twistedpaw thought for a moment before scratching at his paw. "I have an idea. I just need you to collect anything that you think you can make something out of."

Silverpaw forced herself to her paws and shook out her fur. She bounded around and looked for anything that she could use. She grabbed a few strange things that could be of use and set them down.

"Why did I just do this," she asked as she nuzzled the strange objects toward Twistedpaw.

Twistedpaw suddenly motioned toward me and I rose to my paws from my position beside Thruster. I bounded over and tilted my head in confusion.

"Do you need something," I asked.

Twistedpaw nodded and motioned toward my claws. "Can you make a fire? You know, with you claws?"

I shrugged and extended my claws before rubbing them together to make a spark. It fell on the ground and nudged fur toward the flame. He breathed gently on it and the flame began to rise.

"Why did you want me to make a fire," I inquired. I probably should have asked that before I made the fire but I trusted them, or at least I think I do.

"Because I want to use use this iron, metal, and steel to make battle claws," Twistedpaw explained as he twitched his ears, as if expecting me to argue with him.

He was right, I was going to argue. "We can't to that! We can't make them because then that would give Triflud a reason to make weapons against us."

Silverpaw curled her lip and raised her paw. A long scar, still bleeding, ranged from her shoulder to her pads. "This was the work of a blade, not claws. If you ask me they already have started making battle claws. They have already cheated."

I let out a sigh. I knew that she was right. I had nearly had my head taken off by bladed claws. I wasn't about to have the pups' claws cut off with fancy enhancements. "Alright but don't make anything that they can use against us. I want these claws or whatever you make personalized."

Twistedpaw dipped his head. "We promise."

I nodded and turned back to Thruster as he rose to his paws. He waved his tail for me to go over and see him.

I wanted to join him but I couldn't just leave the pups with fire! That wouldn't be very responsible of me although I knew that Twistedpaw had done this before.

"Go," urged Silverpaw as she nudged of one of my legs. "He seems to really like you."

I let out a growl roll in my throat but I strode forward. I wasn't about to tell Silverpaw or Thruster how I actually felt. I was part Claw Wolf and they almost never showed their feelings.

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