Chapter 1

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We pulled into the parking lot and put the finishing touches on our make up. I felt good. Wearing a loose white crop top and high rise shorts. White converse complimenting my outfit. My dark hair in wavy curls with braids meeting in the back holding the other hair down. Only wearing a little mascara and some blush.

As I stepped out of the car my eyes widened, taking in all of the colorful lights that contrasted with the dark skies. The towering ferris wheel captured my attention. I had a small fear of heights but it looked like so much fun, so I raced towards it.

"Jem!? Where are you going?" One of my friends yelled.

"Ferris wheel!" I answered excitedly.

I gave the operating man change instead of tickets, to which he wasn't upset. He let me grab a seat and looked at me as if he were confused.

"Got a partner?" He said with a southern accent.

"Oh.. No. Do I need one?"

He shook his head. "Well that's a wasted seat if you don't."

I looked at him confused. Was he not going to let me ride the dumb ferris wheel if I didn't have someone to go with me? I began to get angry.

"I'm a big girl." I said in the nicest tone I could with a smile.

"Partner!? Anyone wanna ride with this beautiful young lady!?" He shouted.

My cheeks flushed red. How could he do that? I looked like I had no friends. The next few seconds of nothing happening was extremely embarrassing. I closed my eyes and dropped my head in embarrassment. When I felt a heavy presence on the seat my eyes flashed open.

He sat next to me as we were strapped in by the operator and were lifted in seconds.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"Hey." He giggled.

He was stunning. Beautiful dark hair with a few blonde highlights, deep brown eyes, perfect smile, amazingly sharp jaw line, and he was in great shape. Extremely muscular and quite tall.

"U-Um, I have friends but I wanted to do this and.. They're back there." I said pointing over to the spinning swing.

I think he took my reply as a request for him to leave. Thinking that I mentioned that I had friends and that I didn't want him riding with me. A disappointed look crossed his face.

"Oh. Okay. Well I can tell Matt to let me off." He said quietly as he waved his hand in the air to get the operator's attention, who I assumed was Matt. He circled his index finger and thumb and pressed it to the edge if his plump, pink lips he had just licked, preparing himself for a powerful whistle.

"No!" I said urgently as he drew in a deep breath. My hand coming up to block his whistle. He looked at me slightly confused.

"I mean..." I trailed off. "You can still ride." I smiled.

"Oh. Okay" He giggled.

After a few more people sat in seats below us, the wheel started its full ride. His face appeared somewhat frightened once we started climbing higher.

"I'm Jemma." I said trying to distract him.

He smiled. "I'm Grayson."

I had assumed he was older by his physical appearance. No less than 18.

"Uh, I'm 16. How about you?"

His statement took me by surprise. I think he had seen my reaction before with others.

"Yeah, I look older." He laughed.

"I'm 16 too." I said quietly.

He looked very scared as we reached the top of the wheel. His hands wrapping tightly around the bar in front of us. His knuckles became white as his grip tightened. I was a little scared but I was much more enjoying his reaction as met the top. Almost on cue the operator stopped the wheel.

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