Chapter 17

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He locked himself in the bathroom for a few minutes.

I didn't know what to do. I wiped of my tears and went to talk to Ethan. I walked into his room without talking and he was making out with Cami....

I quickly shut the door and ran back to Grayson room and tried not to puke. I mean, good for her but, he was just all over me like an hour ago, why does she not care? Why does he not care?

I felt so stupid for the whole thing. Yep. He was totally worth fucking my relationship up with Grayson. (Note the sarcasm.) I meant nothing to him. But I can't be mad at him. I kissed him while I'm dating his brother so..

Ugh. I just feel dumb for doing it, and it was completely pointless. All of it for nothing. What a waste. Now Grayson is mad at me. But I deserve it. I did it. I fucked up.

After a few minutes more Grayson slammed open the bathroom door. He looked pissed. His face was red he was breathing heavily and he just looked very scary but so fucking hot. I was scared so I climbed backwards up the bed towards the wall. But he wasn't angry towards me..

He yanked open the bedroom door and stormed out.

I leaned up on the bed to try to see what was going on. I heard another door slam open and then yelling.

I jumped up and ran down the hall towards the yelling and commotion. It was in Ethan's room. Oh shit.

I go through Ethan's door for the second time this morning and instead of seeing him and Cami getting it.. I see Grayson pinning Ethan to the ground, punching him repeatedly in the face.

Cami was screaming "Stop!" Over and over.

I grabbed Grayson's arm to try to top it but he was so strong it almost made no difference. I wrapped my hands around his bicep and tried to hold it back. He flew it forward and almost pulled me over him. I let go just in time to regain my balance.

"Gray! Stop! You're going to kill him!" I shouted.

He paused. He looked back at me. My eyes were watering and I was shaking. He looked back at Ethan and started wailing again.

Ethan laid completely motionless of the ground. I couldn't tell if he was even breathing. I got mad.

I stopped crying and used all of my strength to push Grayson off. It worked. He looked at me, shocked. Ethan sat up, then stood. He looked at me, then Grayson, and then walked out. Cami followed him. I think they went to the bathroom to clean his face. It was already bruising. Cuts all over. He was bleeding profusely. It looked extremely painful, and very gruesome.

I felt extremely guilty about everything. This is all my fault. Why didn't Ethan fight back? He didn't move a muscle.

Grayson's knuckles were red and swollen. Did I just ruin a fucking family. The bond between two brothers. What the fuck is wrong with me.

Grayson looked at me, sweaty, angry, hot.. Ok stop. He just beat his brother into a pulp because of me.

"Gray.." I whispered. "Gray I-" He cut me off by slamming his lips into mine.
It was rough, passionate, and oh my lord.

He stood up, and pulled me up. He reconnected our lips and tugged me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso and ran my fingers through his hair. He carried me out of Ethan's room, down the hall, back to his room.

He threw me on the bed. I tried to collect my thoughts as to, what the hell was happening, while he crawled over me. He went to kiss me again, but I stopped him by pushing my hands to his chest. He stopped and looked at me confused.

"What are you doing?" I said looking at him with my eyebrows furrowed. I'm confused as fuck right now.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing babe." He said, also confused.

I scoffed and pushed him off of me and sat on the edge of my bed. I put my elbow on my legs and cupped my chin in my palms. I let out a sigh.

"Grayson, what the fuck is going on. You just beat up your brother and its not his fault. It was me. And then you make out with me like nothing happened. I'm so confused." I said shaking my head and looking down.

He didn't say anything for a while and then finally spoke.

"Look. I love you. You know that. I'm just really pissed right now because of what's happening. Ethan always wants my girls. Always! And then he treats them like shit and leaves them. I would never do that! He breaks every girls heart, and I don't want that for you. I want to love you. Me. I want to be yours and for you to be mine, and only mine. He shouldn't have kissed you back. I understand it was you, but if you guys were fucking making out, that means be was kissing back and he knows your mine so he shouldn't do that. I want you to want me. I want you to not even think about Ethan. I'm not doing my job as a boyfriend if you even think about him. So I'm going to do my job." He said before he cupped my cheeks with his hands and then crashed his lips into mine.

He explored my mouth with his tongue and bit my lip. His lips traveled to my neck and he began to suck.

"Remember," he kissed, "that day," he kissed, "at the cave," he kissed again, "when I told you that you were mine?" He bit. "I'm going to remind you," he sucked, "of that day," he sucked harder, "and how you're mine," he kissed my lips, "and mine only."

(Its June 19th, I'm meeting them today OMFG, I will post pictures.)

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