Chapter 50

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(As usual.. Play song when it says.)
(Please don't hate me...)

We finished drinking our drinks in a comfortable silence for Ethan, but extremely uncomfortable for me and probably Grayson. We made eye contact momentarily, but both quickly looked away.

I can't keep doing this. I can't do it. I can not. I've decided what I'm going to do... Let's have one last good day.

"Well, we have the rest of the day..." I started, breaking the silence. "We can go home after one of us pukes." I laugh.

"You're on." Ethan challenges.


We got home after a crazy long day. My feet hurt, I'm tired, I want to go to sleep even though its only 5pm. I'm very stressed out at the moment. I need a break. I'm nervous to do what I'm about to do. And scared. But its the best thing.

We walked into the apartment and set all of our stuff down. I wasn't really on my phone at all besides to take a few pictures, so the battery is at 80% still. Too bad I'm giving the phone back.

We ate McDonald's on the way home so I'm not hungry. We just really need to go to sleep. Well, Ethan and Grayson do.


(Song now.)

Its almost 9:45 and everyone's finally going to sleep.

I don't want to do this. But its for the best. They don't deserve this.

I cuddle with Ethan until he falls asleep and carefully slip out of bed. All of my clothes are already in Ethan's room so at least I don't have to walk around much.

I quietly pulled my clothes out of the drawers and slipped them into my bags. I wiped away tears that I told to stay in but they didn't listen. I quietly sniffed in my runny nose.

I deleted everything out of my new phone and reset it to factory settings. I turned it off and plugged it in to charge beside the bed. I go to take off the jewelry Grayson bought me but I can't. It means too much. I'm glad I kept my old phone.

I grab my old phone and turn it on. Its still in service. That's good. I talked to Cami about whats going on and she said its okay as long as I get a house fast.

After finishing packing everything I have I sigh and walk into the bathroom.

I let it out.

All the emotions I've felt and suppressed. I just sob.

Its soon 11pm and I know I need to go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be rough.

I climb back into bed and Ethan wakes up slightly.

"Babe?" His simple word caused me to cry again.

I kept it quiet so he wouldn't notice.

"Go to sleep Ethan." I said quietly.

He hummed and pulled me close.

After laying there for a few hours, I finally fell asleep. Tomorrow is going to be the worst day of my life.


"Jem?" Ethan shook me awake.


"Hey." I said quietly, waking up.

"Why are your bags packed?" He said with a shaky voice.

"Ethan." I looked at him and he had tears in his eyes.

"And-and your phone is reset. And you, have your shoes on." He said with his voice cracking.

He started to cry which just caused me to cry.

"Ethan I.."

"No Jemma. What did I do? I'm sorry. I love you so much. Please don't do this. You're scaring me. Jemma I love you. What did I do wrong? Please." He wiped away the tears falling.

"Ethan. Please." I cried. "I love you too. But I can't do this. I'm not good for you. Or Grayson. This is the best thing for us right now. We're young. Its what we should do. It'll be okay. I'm so sorry. You did nothing wrong. I'm the problem. I love you so much but I can't do this to you guys. I need to leave." I struggled out.

"But.. You don't know what's best for me. I do! Its my life, and I want you in it. Please. Why are you doing this? You don't break up with someone you're in love with. What are you doing?" He said louder.

"Ethan. I love you," I cried, "but I need to leave." I got off the bed and started to grab my bags.

"No!" Ethan yelled.

He grabber me by my waist and pushed my up against the wall on the other side of the wall. He smashed his lips into mine. I couldn't help but melt under him. I pushed him off.

"Ethan please. You're making this impossible." I cried.

"Good." He kissed me again. "I'm not letting you go."

We passionately kissed for a few seconds before I had to fight him away again.

"Ethan. I need to go." I chocked out.

He let go of me and backed away.

I cried as I stood there looking at him. He was hurt. I hurt him.

I walked up to him and out my hand in his cheek. "Ethan. I love you. But I need to let you go..."

I turned around and picked up my bags. I looked at him. He was still frozen there with tears in his eyes, staring at the wall.

I walked out of his room and down the hall. I'm guessing Grayson wasn't awake. Good. I can't say goodbye to both. I can't even say goodbye to one.

I opened the door and sighed. I wiped my tears and grabbed my bags. I pulled them out of the door and shut it behind me.

I pulled my bags into the elevator and pressed the lobby button. The doors slowly closed as I stood there crying.

I pulled out my phone and quickly ordered the closest Uber that was only 2 minutes away. He would be here when I got outside. Thank God.

I finally reached the lobby and collected myself. I took a deep breath as I walked out and saw the Uber waiting for me. I loaded my bags in the trunk and got in.

"Hi." I greeted.

"Are you okay?" He said, noticing my tear stained face.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Thank you."

"Okay.." He put the car and drive and drove away.

Ethan's P.O.V.

I can't believe that just happened. She left me. I'm broken. No. I'm not letting her leave. She said she loves me. Why would she leave? I won't let her.

In only sweatpants I ran out into the hall. The elevator doors just closed. Shit. I'm barefoot but I don't care. I took off down the stairs going as fast as I can. I reach the lobby and I can see her through the glass door. She's loading her stuff into the trunk of a car. I take off towards the door as she gets in the car. It doesn't move and I go through the door. Outside, in just my pants. The second I reach the sidewalk he drives away.

No. Why? If I would've just left a few seconds before I could've stopped her. Its going to be impossible to get her to come back. What did I do? What am I going to do?

My world just shattered.

My heart hurts.

Why did this happen?

Please, Jemma. Come back.

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