Chapter 18

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(Don't play until it says, it makes it better. )

"Remember," he kissed, "that day," he kissed, "at the cave," he kissed again, "when I told you that you were mine?" He bit. "I'm going to remind you," he sucked, "of that day," he sucked harder, "and how you're mine," he kissed my lips, "and mine only."

He gripped my shoulders and pulled me close as he bruised my neck with kisses and bites. He quickly pushed me back on the bed, roughly and stared at me with dark eyes.

"Ethan doesn't deserve you baby. You're mine." He smirked with a lustful look in his eyes.

I'm actually surprised he's doing this. But will I stop him? No. Do I want this? Hell yes.

He shifted on the bed so that he was low over my legs. I'm wearing his sweatpants and his white shirt. 'Not for long.' I thought to myself.

"I love when you wear my clothes. You look so good in them." He licked his lips staring at my body.

I am a virgin. We're only 16, but oh my, I love him and he loves me. I want this. I need this.

He was being surprisingly delicate with his touch. He slowly slid the bottom of my shirt up to the area right below my breasts. He softly skimmed his fingers down my sides. Taking in every inch with a smirk and fire in his eyes. He looked up to me to examine my expression which was pure lust laced into a shy smile. He smiled as his bowed his head to my stomach. He let out a puff of warm air against the skin of my upper stomach, sending chills through my body. I was high on the feeling of anticipation. Knowing and ready of what was to come. His glided his tongue across his lips once more before placing a light kiss in the center of my body, just below my breasts. He moved his head down slightly and kissed again in the spot just under the previous. Every touch made me quiver. He slid his hands down my sides to my hips. He placed his fourth kiss right above my belly button. The area caused me to let out a quiet, unwanted giggle. My cheeks were flushed red and I was trying my hardest not to let my face turn into a cheesy smile.

He looked up with me expectantly, non verbally asking permission to continue. I moved my head so slightly you could barely tell I was nodding. He smirked and refocused on what he was doing before. He shoved his index fingers under the elastic filled band around my hips and slowly slid down my sweatpants. They rested around my knees. In his position, he was straddled over my knees, hovering over my waist holding his weight on the hands beside my stomach. He couldn't move them any further down himself. I shimmied my legs back and forth and eventually kicked them off my feet. I laid in blue laced panties with my shirt still on but only covering my chest. He lightly traced the skin on my legs with his soft finger tips.

"So soft." He mumbled, before scooting back on the bed to hover over my lower half.

He dipped his head down to my upper thigh. He softly kissed my inner right thigh. I shuttered underneath him. He repeated multiple times on both legs. He moved his head up and kissed my lower waist at the hem of my underwear. He traced the hem with several kisses before slowly moving his hands up to grip my hips. He let out a hard breath before pushing in on my hips and slowly pulling down my panties. I shifted my hips up slightly to make it easier for him to take them off. Soon they were off and on the floor along with other discarded clothing items. I felt a wave of self consciousness and embarrassment. I moved my arms to cover my exposed areas but they were quickly rerouted by Grayson. He gripped my wrists in his strong hands and pushed them down above my head.


He let go after a few seconds, making sure I wouldn't try to cover up again. He quickly ripped his shirt off of his body and threw it into the pile of clothes. He looked back down at me and smiled not showing teeth. He slowly bent back down to hover above me once more. He quickly and roughly gripped my knees and pulled my legs apart. Bending them at a slight angle. He bowed his hand back down to my heat. He kissed right beside it on either thigh before connecting his lips with the center. I immediately shifted at the contact. Squirming underneath him. He chuckled which sent even more pleasure threw my body in vibration. I was letting out loud breaths. My heart rate was increasing rapidly. He continued to move his lips and tongue around a sensitive spot. My toes curled in pleasure as I released a quiet, soft moan. He smiled against me. His right hand slowly moved from my thigh to my heat. He stuck his middle finger inside me. I gasped loudly and lifted my head off the bed. He pumped it in and out of me and I bit my lip and tried to control my squirming and moaning. I was fisting the sheets in both hands tightly as he continued to torture me with pleasure. He withdrew his finger from me and put it in his mouth and sucked.

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