Chapter 44

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(I'm so happy they won the Teen Choice Awards. Tbh, I screamed and jumped while my dad looked st me like an insane person. Every time they were shown, even for like two seconds, I fangirled and was like, "OMG DAD THATS THEM LOOK!" Ok.. To the story.)

"I already have." He smiled.

He pecked me on my lips before turning around and going into his room. I stood still for a second, kind of embarrassed, but I'm not sure why, and I soon followed.

"Hey, uh.. I know you're tired and I didn't get much sleep the past two days, do you wanna have a nap date?" He stripped off his dirty shirt and threw it in the clothes bin.

I gulped at the sight and nodded. "Y-yeah, I'm pretty uh... I'm uh, yeah I'm tired." Oh my god Jemma what was that. I mentally face palmed.

He chuckled and blushed. "Well I'm going to take a quick shower and I'll be in, in a minute alright babe?" He said smirking.

I tried to fight the smiling that was forcing itself onto my face. "Yeah that's fine." My cheeks were on fire.

This boy has an effect on me I swear.

"Alright." He sideways smiled.

I decided to keep the sexy top on and just change into sweatpants. The real love of my life is a good pair of sweatpants.

I jumped into bed, and I was obviously quite tired. I scrolled through my phone, looking at some pointless stuff about Lindsey Lohan being arrested again. Surprise surprise. Oh and a beauty news headline that said a girl named Meridith Michelson's lips exploded from too much lip collagen. Oh fuck, that would hurt.

I set my phone down and just sat in the bed waiting for Ethan. The reason I couldn't sleep last night was because he wasn't there beside me. I can't go to sleep now knowing he's just in the other room. I can wait, its worth it.

After a few seconds the water stopped, and I heard the curtain open. I heard footsteps and then a few minutes of non recognizable noises but I'm pretty sure he was brushing his teeth.

The bathroom door slowly opened and he peeked out to see if I was asleep. For some reason I decided to act like I was. Just for a joke, I don't know.

He tip toed out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He was only wear a towel slung loosely over his low, low, lower hips. Exposing his entire v line right down to his package. He wasn't look at me so I opened my eyes a bit more. This is so wrong but I so don't even care at the moment.

He walked over to his closet and grabbed a pair of basketball shorts that were sitting on a shelf. He then opened on of his drawers and grabbed a pair of Tommy Hilfiger's underwear. He quickly looked over to me and I clamped my eyes shut, trying to look as asleep as possible. After a few seconds I opened my eyes a little bit. He was facing me but not paying attention, besides the room was dark because it wasn't light outside yet and his lights were off. He set the shorts up on top of the dresser and grabbed his underwear. He let go of his towel.

Sweet baby Jesus Christ. Forgive me father, for I have sinned. What the frick frac, patty wack, tic tac, potato sack, cracker jack, duck quack, piggy back, voice crack, kayak, life hack, nick nack, lunch pack, spice rack, dust vac, face smack, uncle Zack, big Mac, is life right now. Holy shit.

He's huge.

My eyes widened and I tried to look away but I can't. My eyes are zoned in like I'm using binoculars. But god, you would never have to use binoculars to see that. You could see that from other space what the fuck.

Its so beautiful.

What? Stop. You love Jesus.

But fuck! Oh my god.

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