Chapter 14

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Cami's P.O.V.

I miss Jemma so much! I'm so excited to see her. And I haven't ever met this Gray guy, so I'm excited about that too.

I go to the address that Jem told me she was living at now, with her boyfriend. I really hope he's not a douche.

I walk up the stairs because, exercise is healthy ok? I get to their apartment.

I knock. I'm so excited I missed her so much.

I hear running. The door swings open very fast and I see my best friend!

"Lil nugget!!!!!!" She screams.

"Honny! OMG I missed you!!!"

We hug for like 2 minutes and I hear voices laughing....Voices?

I peek around her and see two, super sexy, twins. Holy shit. I'm totally okay with this. I should've wore more make up. Ok. Now I'm nervous. Say hi! Wait. Which one is Jem's? The one sitting on the couch looks cute. He's smiling at me. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok.

"Guys, this is Cami." She said smiling. "Cami, this is Grayson, and Ethan." She motioned back and forth to the two guys. The one on the couch was Ethan. Yes!

"Hey." I said smiling.

"We should watch a movie or something. Its getting kinda late." Grayson said to no one in particular.

"I'm down." I said smiling.


Jemma's P.O.V.

I'm so sick and tired of these scary movies. I cuddled up on Grayson's lap while we laid on the couch. He's so warm I don't even need a blanket.

I ignore the screams coming from the TV and Cami, and snuggled up o Grayson's chest, and closed my eyes.

Ethan's P.O.V.

I still like Jemma to be honest. But, I know it would hurt Grayson if I told him the truth so, I'll just try to get over her. She is perfect, but damn. So is her friend. I want to get to know her.

Grayson and Jem fell asleep on each other on the couch half way through the movie. Silly mistake.

"Lets prank them." I whispered in Cami's ear.

Cami's P.O.V.

He hasn't said much to me besides hi, I think. But he kept scooting closer to me as we sat on the floor in front of the couch.

He slowly leaned over to my ear and whispered.

"Let's prank them."

Oh hell yes. I smiled and slowly stood up. He sat on the floor still so I turned around to see him smiling.

"I'm an old man, I can't get up." He softly said, putting his hand in the air motioning for me to help him up off his lazy ass.

I scoffed, "Jeez dude." I helped him up and he smiled. His hands were, soft, for a guy. And warm. It was great.

We went to the kitchen and got some stuff. Then we went to Ethan's room and got a few more things. We were ready.

I put on the mask and Ethan was ready with the whipped cream.

We snuck back into the living room and we were ready.

Ethan smacked to pans together right by their heads and yelled.

They both woke up very fast and screamed as I got close to their face in the scary mask. Ethan smacked hem in the face with paper plates covered in whipped cream.

We laughed as I took off the mask and gave Ethan a high five. Jemma looked pissed. Oops. I laughed harder at the look on her face. Grayson thought it was funny too, he was giggling.

Jemma yelled, "YOU BITCH!", and playfully ran towards me. She wiped her face all in my hair. 'No,.. you bitch!' I thought.

"We're going to kill each other one day, I swear."

"Yeah ya lil bitch. Ill see ya in hell. You're going down first." She said laughing.

Grayson's P.O.V.

Cami is alright for a friend. She's kind of annoying but whatever. Her and Jem are very different. That's why I'm dating Jemma, not Cami. Ethan was staring at her for a while, a couple times. Great. I hope he actually likes someone this time. Please! He can't hurt my girls best friend or there will be problems.

Oh, would you look at that. Jemma is all covered in whipped cream. Looks like she's going to need a shower. And, oh, would you look at that. I am too. So, I need a shower too. What a coincidence. Hey, wasting water is bad mkay? We can just share. You know, for the sake of the earth. Haha just kidding. But I love her face when she gets out of the shower. I think she is the most beautiful when she isn't wearing make up. Her hair is dark and flowing and, god. She just looks so beautiful. And then she wears one of my shirts that look huge on her to bed and we cuddle.

I don't see how some guys hate cuddling like, wtf? Its like, my favorite thing to do with Jemma. She fits with me perfectly and she has cold skin, and I'm always hot and, god. Its just perfect. I love it. I love her. She makes me so happy. I'm so glad she's living with me now. She still has school bit its her last week. And then we get to see each other everyday. This is going to be so fun.

(Anyone want to write 'the dirty' for me for a later chapter? No? Ok)

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