Chapter 22

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I woke up in bed with Grayson. I guess he carried me in here last night after I feel asleep. That's so cute. He was softly snoring, as always and he was shirtless, as usual. I wouldn't mind waking up to this everyday for the rest of my life.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone of the table beside his bed. It was plugged into the charger so I guess Grayson was just clutch last night. I scroll threw some notifications and a couple apps and get updated on my media life for a few minutes. Its only 8am so I don't have to get up but I'm awake so I might as well right?

I open Grayson's dresser drawer and pull out a black shirt and black sweatpants. I've been wearing his clothes for almost a week. Its really time to go home and get my shit. I've been dreading it ever since I left, but it needs to be done. I peel off my clothes and throw them in the bin, and get dressed in Grayson's clothes. They're always big and soft, and comfy. They smell like him too so its not like I mind but I really miss my clothes. They make me feel cute and when I wear Gray's I feel like a bum.

I tip toe down the hallway, trying to avoid waking someone up. That reminds me, is Ethan here? He wasn't home at last night, maybe he got here after I went to sleep. I creep down the hall to his room and slowly open the door. He's not here. Where the fuck is he? I'm getting worried. I pull my phone out and open my messages. I text Ethan.

"Are you okay?"

I push send. That's not too forward. Its just a question.

Before I could even hit the home button and then lock my screen, he texted back.


I started freaking out for some reason. What does that mean!?

"What do you mean!? What happened? Where are you?" I text very quickly.

I'm standing in the hallway not moving at all. What does he mean? Is he hurt? Is he in danger?

He finally texts back after what seems like years.

"Its funny how you're pretending to care lmao"

"Wtf Ethan. I'm being serious. Are you okay!"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

What ever. Be a bitch then. I'm not bothering with you.

I left him on read so he knows I've seen it.

I walk back into Grayson's room to wake him up. I sit over his waist and straddle him. I brush through his messy bed head with my fingers. He stirs. He opens his eyes and blinks a few times, then smiles.

"Morning dork."

"Morning Bailey." I laugh.

I get off of him and off the bed waiting for him to get up.

"What are you doing?" He chuckles. His voice is irresistible right now.

"Well, lazy ass, I'm going to get ready for today. We have things to do." I giggle.

"Lazy ass?" He chuckles. "You didn't tell me you went to culinary school. What a roast." He laughed. "Ok hurry up, I'm going to go to the gym for like 20 minutes. I feel like I haven't gone in forever. Then we can do whatever we're doing today." He laughed.

"Alright. Sounds like a plan. Have fun." I smiled before going to the bathroom to get ready. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, did my business and got ready. Grayson pounded on the door.

"Jemmmmmmmmm! Hurry up! You take forever!" He groaned.

I'm already done so I opened the door to reveal a sweaty Grayson. Fuck.

"Okay I'm ready so hurry up." I groaned mocking him. "Lazy ass." I mumbled.

"Shut up." He said shaking his head and chuckling.

"I'm going to make some breakfast while you get ready. We gotta leave soon. Were going to go get my shit."

"Alright sounds good." He pecked me before he jumped in the shower.


I made eggs, bacon, and toast for Gray. I didn't make any for me because I'm still not eating. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning and I'm starting to get really hungry but its whatever.

Grayson comes out, completely ready. He was wearing a grey shirt with a pocket on it and black jeans. His style is amazing to be honest.

I gave him his plate while I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"This looks awesome. Thanks babe." He smiled.

He ate and then we were ready to go. We were just going to walk to my house because there are movers that will help me when I get there. I called them and told them Grayson's address and that I was coming today. They will be there when we get there.

I'm not bringing everything obviously. Just my clothes, and a few other things, not much at all. I'm going to give most of the stuff to charity and only keep a few things of my moms.

Its sad to think of how all of this happened. How so much changed in only a month. I miss her.


We finally got all of my stuff into Grayson's apartment. Ethan still isn't here and its 2pm. Whatever. We unpacked and basically all of Grayson's clothes went in the closet and mine went to the dresser. He had way more clothes than me and the closet had more space so that's how we settled that. Its starting to sink in that I'm living with my boyfriend and we're only 16. Well, I'm almost 17 but he won't be for like 6 months. Its still all crazy. But life is crazy right? Its not wrong, its what had to happen. I'm thankful to him for letting it happen. I love him a lot.

I'm living with my boyfriend. Holy shit when did I grow up? He does online school and were both going to be juniors this year. School doesn't start for another month and a half so, this summer is going to be fun. As long as Ethan doesn't cause too much drama. Seriously where is he? Grayson hasn't even asked or seemed to care. So why should I?

(Uneventful af but yeah let's just get this shit out of the way. I'm so ahead on updates like I'm writing one a day and posting one every other day at most so. I have 28 written in total and that numba is just gonna grow boo. But yeah. This is a long authors note. Lmao sorry. Boring rn but not next one so stay tuned.)

*warning* povs might switch a lil bit

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