Chapter 21

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Jemma's P.O.V.

After me and Grayson made up we decided to do something else today. Its almost 7pm so we still have time to do something fun.

"I'm tired of just sitting around the house, being lazy. Let's go do something really fun." I said emphasizing 'really'.

"I'm down." He said smiling wide, his eyes lit.

"I know a place." I giggled.


We finally reach the edge of the forest. I directed the Uber here. This place is beautiful. I know where a waterfall is, and a spot where you can look out over L.A. Its perfect.

I grab Grayson's hand and pull him out of the car. I pay the Uber because I hate how Grayson thinks he has to pay for everything. We walk down the road for a few more minutes to get to my entrance spot. I've only came here with my mom. We had a lot of fun hanging out, walking, swimming, hiking, and just talking about life. I miss her. But now I'm here with Grayson. How amazing is that?

"This is my kind of date." Grayson said cheesing big time, as we entered the woods.

"Adventures are fun, aren't they?" I said returning the smile.

He gripped my hand tighter as I stepped up a steep hill, he pulled me up with his strong arms.

"You know," he huffed, "its kinda annoying that you're so perfect." He said shyly smiling.

I blushed hardcore. "Shut up." I said slapping his chest.

We walked through the woods although it was hot out. We are in the ripe of summer in California, but the trees provide a cool shade to hike through. We reach a small stream and pause to look around. It's so beautiful here. I sigh. Grayson turned to look at me. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" He asked confused.

"No, no. Nothing. Its just really nice here ya know?" I smiled and took a deep breath looking around at the beautiful scenery.

He smiled. "You're s'cute." He said, scrunching up his nose.

I laughed. "Come on, let's go." I said grabbing his hand.


After about 30 minutes, we get to the look out. Its the perfect time. The sun is just about to set. Its almost 8.

"Wow. See." I said gesturing to the sunset.

"This is pretty cool Jem." He said wrapping his arm around the side of my waist, pulling me close.

I leaned my head on his arm. God I'm short. I cuddled up to his side as we stared at the sunset.

"This is so cheesy." I said giggling.

"Is that bad? You're not lactose intolerant are you?" He said before laughing at his lame joke.

"You're so stupid!" I laughed.

"Awe thanks." He came smiled. "Love ya too."

I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

After about 15 more minutes the sun was completely set, it was starting to get dark. We decided to leave so Grayson called an Uber and set it up.

We walked back through the woods in the dim light of the evening, hand in hand.

We finally got to the Uber and drove home. We took the stairs up stair for once. The elevator was taking too long. We got up the the apartment and Grayson unlocked the door and let me in. I walked in and took off my shoes and went to the kitchen to grab a water. I tossed one to gray because there is no way he's not thirsty too. I was about to get something to eat but remembered that I'm fat so I just stopped and drank my water.

Me and Grayson plopped down on the couch, and he turned the television on to Drake and Josh. Fuck yeah. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check it because I haven't really looked at it all day. Its almost 10pm.. Where's Ethan?

I shook of my own question because it's none of my business. He's probably having fun doing something.
I don't know. And I don't care. He can do whatever he wants.

I also have a text from Cami. I don't want to read it. I'm not in the mood to deal with her right now. My thoughts were interrupted by Grayson.

"Hey," he poked my sides, "you hungry? I'm starved!"

"Nah. I ate earlier, I'm good. Want me to make you something?" I said getting off the couch.

"You? No. I'll pass." He giggled. "You could burn water."

"Hey!" I argued. "Not true." I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Awwwe." He chuckled. "You're so cute." He shook his head.

He threw a frozen burrito in the microwave.

I can't stop wondering where Ethan is. But why do I care? Ugh whatever.

Me and Grayson cuddled up on the couch and watched the good teen nick shows. Drake and Josh, iCarly, out know, the real teen nick. I looked up at him.

"Hey. Today was amazing." I smiled. Its crazy to think all of this happened in one day. I kissed Ethan, Grayson beat him up, me and Grayson made love, we argued, made up, went sight seeing, and now the day is finally over. I'm very happy to be laying here right now. This is a great moment in time. The only thing that's bothering me is what Ethan's doing. I know it shouldn't matter but I'm just curious.

"Yes it was." He smiled. "I love you Jemma." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you too Grayson." I said before stealing one last kiss, then cuddling deeper into his chest and slowly falling asleep, breathing in his amazing scent and thinking I couldn't be happier.

(Awe. Cute right? Ok drama shit coming at ya sooner or later.)

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