Chapter 40

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Grayson stood back up and handed her whatever she dropped. They stepped away from the car and Grayson closed the door and the Uber backed out and drove away. Grayson turned to face her and put his arm around the back of her waist. I almost physically gagged. Ethan out his hand on my shoulder unexpectedly, I jumped a little but then realized it was just him. I turned and smiled at him. He hugged me and we started walking towards Grayson and Cami. (Yes it's Cami if you didn't guess that yet.) I gave them both an extremely fake smile.

"Hey guys, um as you know this is Cami." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Hailley." Hailley smiled holding out her hand.

She just looked at it and them rolled her eyes. Hailley dropped her hand looking confused and then Grayson gave Cami a dirty look.

"Um. I'm Alex." Alex spoke, trying to break the awkwardness.

"Hi." She said flatly.

We all just stood there for a second and I realized this was all stupid.

"Let's go have fun." I genuinely smiled.

Grayson and Cami furrowed they're eyebrows and looked at me confused.

"Yas!" Hailley said cheerfully grabbing my hand and dragging me running to the water.

"Slow- down!" I stuttered laughing.

She stopped at the edge of the water and everyone else caught up. Well.. Ethan and Alex. Grayson and Cami went to the towel and sat down looking really bored. I chuckled to myself. Hailley was already taking off her swimsuit cover. Alex and Ethan both ripped their shirts over their heads and tossed them in a pile. I shyly pulled my cover off and tossed it into the pile.

I covered my stomach with my arms and tip toed into the water. Hailley ran and dove in, Alex following her. They swam out fast. I was up to my ankles and was shivering. All of a sudden I was picked up and thrown over Ethan's shoulder.

"ETHAN!" I screamed laughing.

He giggled and ran out in the water.

"Ethan please don't go out too far!" I said a little worried.

He stopped about 30 feet off shore. He grabbed my waist and slowly set me down in front of him. Sliding down his body, clinging to him close. We were surprisingly only up to about our ribs. Well, Ethan's stomach but my ribs.

His arms were wrapped around my back holding me close.

"Its freezing."  I said shivering.

"It won't be for long." He smiled. "Do you wanna go out further?"

I quickly shook my head no. "No. No. We're fine here." I said worried.

"Are you okay?" He said sounding worried.

"Yeah, its just.. Well remember?" I said pointing at my forehead.

"Oh! Oh yeah. Oh my gosh. I'm sorry."

I lightly laughed. "Ethan its fine. Let's just, stay here.." I said moving my arms around in the water.

"Yeah, no problem." He smiled. "Hey." He made me turn my head back to him.


"You look absolutely beautiful by the way."

"God. Shut up." I splashed him.

"Well I like that nickname." He chuckled gripping my hips and pulling me close.

We stared at each other for a few silent seconds. The only sound was the waves in the back ground. He smiled as he leaned in and  entangled our lips. We smiled into the kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

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