Chapter 38

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*1 week later*

"I'm going to make spaghetti."I say smiling.

"No way really?" He says grinning.

"Yupp." I giggle opening the cabinet to get the ingredients.

"No way. I'm so excited." He says smiling. "Do you want my help?"

"Yeah can you reach the pans? I laugh.

"Yeah no problem."


"Should uh, should I ask Grayson if he wants some?" Ethan said sounding guilty.

My eyes widen and I want to scream no but he needs to eat and I shouldn't be rude. "Uh. Yeahh, go get him." I fake smiled.

"Oh, okay." He returned an uncomfortable smile.

They return walking down the hall. I grab another plate and fork.

I set the table as they walked in.

"Oh. You didn't tell me JEM made the spaghetti. Ethan." He said through gritted teeth.

"Dude, can we just not?" Ethan pleaded.

Grayson rolled his eyes then nodded.

We sat down and ate in an uncomfortable silence. Ethan sitting to my right and Grayson on the other side across from Ethan.

Grayson dropped his fork and it smacked his plate loudly. Me and Ethan's eyes shot to him.

"So uh, are you guys dating now?" Grayson said loudly and sounding aggravated.

I widened my eyes and didn't know what to say so I looked down to my spaghetti.

"Uh..." Ethan said quietly then looked at me.

I looked up at Grayson to see his reaction. He looked like he was on the verge of screaming or punching Ethan in the face.

"Um..." I stuttered.

We're not, yet. But over the past week I've grown intense feelings for Ethan. And I'm pretty sire I know how he feels about me.

Grayson got up from the table and threw his chair back to the table harshly. It slammed into the table.

"Gray, calm the fuck down." Ethan yelled.

Grayson looked back at Ethan with a clenched jaw and his hands in tight fists. He walked back toward Ethan quickly, and it looked like he was about to kill him.

"Ethan." I pleaded in fear quietly. On the verge of tears.

Grayson turned his attention to me and examined my terrified expression. I gulped at his intense stare as a few tears slipped out. I don't want them to fight again. Not over me. I'm not worth it.

His expression softened and he glanced at Ethan one more time before turning and walking down the hall back to his room and slamming the door shut.

Ethan turned and pulled me into a hug.

"Its okay." He shushed me. "Calm down babygirl." He rubbed my back until me breathing steadied.

"Why is everything so hard?" I groaned.

"I don't know." He admitted. "But don't worry Jem. It will all be okay soon, I promise." He kissed the top of my head before letting go of the hug.

He put his hands on my arms and looked at me.

"You know," he smirked, "even when you're crying you're beautiful too.." He sang.

I giggled and wiped away my tears then playfully rolled my eyes.

"There she is!" He smiled.


Me and Ethan were laying in his bed cuddling in comfortable silence, on the verge of going to sleep. We were both very tired. I was dozing off when I was awoken by Ethan.

"Hey Jem." He got my attention.

"Mm." I mumbled.

"I haven't asked you yet." He paused.

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around to face him. "Ask me what?"

"A lot of things, really." He chuckled.

I rubbed my eyes and woke myself up. "Okay. Ask."

"Well, like, uh.. You and Gray broke up because of.. me?" He said looking confused.

"Uh. Well I had a dream about you and it made me feel.. some way and well Grayson obviously wasn't very happy I felt that way."

He assessed what I just said before speaking.

"So. While you were dating Grayson... You had feelings for me too even though you pushed me away." He slightly smiled.

"Uh. Yeah I guess." I shyly smiled.

He nodded. "And how, exactly, do you feel about me?" He smirked.

"Well.. I'm not sure to be honest. I thought I loved Grayson but at the same time I love you.. in a way. and I'm not sure how or why." I stated nervously but truthfully.

He smiled widely. "Okay."

I looked at him confused. "That's all you have to say? "Okay"?"

He kept smiling. "Yep. You already know I love you, so there's not much for me to say." He cheesed.

I tried to fight the smile that crept up my face but it was impossible. I rolled my eyes, "Oh shut up." I rolled over facing the wall with my back to him again.

He chuckled. "What? Is it not a good enough answer? Or... why don't I ask you a question?" He mumbled against my shoulder.

I'm intrigued. "Yeah, what?" I said sassily.

"Jem.. Will you answer a question I've been wanting to ask you for a long time, and do me the immense honor of being my girlfriend?" He hotly whispered into my ear.

I shivered and slowly closed my eyes.

"Of course, Ethan." I smiled.

(Short chap. I know I know. Jem and Eth? Okay.)

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