Chapter 7

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I enjoyed the make out session that had just taken place. I wanted it to go further but I just wasn't sure. Plus, I had to get up early tomorrow for school. Shit. I ignored my homework.

It was nighttime, before I went to bed when I would let my mind be drowned with stressful thoughts.

Grayson was starting to snore. Holy shit, that's the cutest thing ever.

Ugh. School tomorrow. I could probably walk. Its not too far but God my head.. FUCK! What's my mom going to say about my head! Oh my God. My mom! I haven't texted her this weekend, she would probably want me home tonight since I have school tomorrow but she said have fun so... Maybe it will all be okay.

Grayson is fucking up my life man. Shit. I can pretend my head is fine and just say me and Cami pulled an all nighter Saturday so we were tired and went to bed early. My homework though.. Fuck. I don't know. I can just lie my ass off but shit. I'll worry about it tomorrow. I'm tired as fuck.


The most annoying fucking sound I've ever fucking heard woke me up. Fuck Mondays. Fuck school. F-fuck Grayson holy shit.

"Morning babe." He said in that sexy raspy voice as he pecked me on the lips. He rolled out of bed and strolled to the bathroom. He was in sweatpants only. Holy shit. I collected my thoughts as I tried to get up. My head was feeling like it was going to implode.

I slowly walked to my bag and grabbed out an outfit. I pulled off Grayson's shirt and threw it in his laundry bin. As I was pulling up my skinny jeans Grayson opened the bathroom door. I tried to hide and panicked and tripped over my pant legs and fell face first to the floor.

An indescribable screech came out as I cried in pain. I was laying with my pants up to my knees in my bra crying on the floor in front of Grayson. Kill me.

"Jem!" He yelled rushing to help me up.

He picked my up like a baby and layer me down on the bed slowly. I was still crying because of the pain.

"Damn it! I'm so sorry Jem." He said not knowing what to do.

I grabbed his shirt that was laying beside me and covered my front while I tried to pull up my pants. I was still crying but not as much. I was so embarrassed in every way. I sat up to help myself pull up my pants which resulted in his shirt falling to my lap exposing me in my bra again. He picked it up and held it to my chest as I pulled up my pants.

"Thank you." I said sniffling my tears back.

After my pants were up I stood and pulled his shirt to myself. I bent down to pick up my shirt.

"Are you okay?" He said sounding concerned.

"I'm fine. I'm just really embarrassed.' I said with a small chuckle as I wiped away tears.

"I shouldn't have scared you like that. I'm such an idiot. I'm so sorry." He said as I put my shirts over my head.

"Its not you. I was just trying to cover up and I lost my balance because of these damn skinny jeans." I said trying to smile.

My head was throbbing big time but I didn't want him to see I was in pain. I didn't want him to feel bad.

"I'm going to be late for school." I laughed. I stopped crying finally.

"Do you need help with anything? He said while he tugged up his jeans.

"I was just going to walk but umm.. I don't think my head-" Grayson cut me off.

"I'll call an Uber babe. Do you want me to go with you?" He said while unplugging his phone from the charger.

"No. Its Ok. Do you want to come over to my house after school though? Its Monday, my mom works from 3-12. So basically, as soon as I get home she leaves." I wink.

He smiles. "Sure thing babe." He walked to the kitchen and called an Uber.


School was torture. More than it normally is too. I didn't have any homework done which made the teachers mad at me. My head was hurting all day and you could still see the imprint from the wrap I slept in on my forehead until lunch and I looked so stupid. Everything was annoying. Kids blowing and popping gum in the halls, every single time the fucking bell rang to dismiss class I wanted to cry it hurt my head so much. I just wanted to get home and see Grayson. That's all I wanted.

Finally my 8 hours in prison were over. I didn't give a fuck about the late or new homework. Fuck it all. I had 2 weeks of school left and amazing grades. I could not do shit and still have good grades at the end. And that was what I intended on doing. YOLO bitches.

I texted Grayson while walking up to my front door. It was 2:50 so my mom was just about to leave. I walked in and set my purse in the couch and went straight towards my room to get ready for Grayson. I walked straight past the kitchen and almost missed my mom sitting at the counter talking to.. Grayson?

"Umm.." I said while walking into the kitchen.

"Hey Jem." Grayson said while getting up off the stool. He walked over to me and kissed me right on the mouth. In front of my mom!

"Hey Grayson." I said angrily while pushing him off me. I looked over to my mom who was.. smiling? What the fuck is going on?

"Hey Jem bug." My mom said grinning.

I hate that nickname. Oh my god. What the hell is going on right now. I was angry at Grayson for kissing me right in front of my mother!

"What's..uh. What's going on guys." I said sitting on the other side of the counter.

"Oh well, this nice young man came over to introduce himself. This is the man that you went to the park with that one day right?" My mom said smiling.

"Um. Yeah. But how did you get my ad.." Grayson cut me off.

"It was on your discharge papers from the emergency room." Grayson just flat out said.

"Emergency room?" My mom said frightened.

Jesus Christ Grayson. What the fuck. Shut the fuck up.

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