Chapter 13

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Ethan's P.O.V.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

He looked extremely pissed and he was stomping towards me down the slight ramp of a hallway.

"Tell me that's not what I think it was." He said starring at Jemma.

"Uh-I-uh.." She stuttered.

"Look Gray..." I said terrified.

"Shut the fuck up! I didn't ask you." He shouted, making Jem jump. He was scaring her. Stop.

"Calm down Grayson."

"Telling someone to 'calm down' never makes them calm, you fucking idiot." He spat.

"I thought we were going to get popcorn and um.." Jems voice was still shaking. I cut her off.

"Look Gray. I kissed her. She didn't like it, she stopped me and then slapped me. Don't yell at her, she did nothing wrong." I shouted.

Alex came running out of our theater.

"Woah." He said taking in the scene displayed.

"He kissed her!" Gray informed Alex.

At this point, our raised voices were getting some attention, I saw a, well.. 'heavy' woman waddling towards us.

"Take it outside kids." She said in a calm voice like this is the millionth time she's done it.

Grayson storms out the doors, slamming them open. Jemma chased after him. I don't know where he was going but he didn't seem to be slowing down.

I feel so dumb. Now my brother hates me, Jem probably does too, and Alex like Grayson more than me so, and Nate and Grayson got in an argument so I can't talk to him. I feel completely alone, and stupid.


Grayson's P.O.V.

I love that Jemma hit him. She should've, shes mine. I feel really bad for yelling at her. She didn't do anything wrong. Ethan though.. I'm mad but, I understand. Jemma's perfect. She would probably be better off with him than me anyways. I don't want that though. I love her. I hope she loves me, because if another girl left me for my brother I would probably kill myself. Especially if it was Jem. I love her more than anything.

I walked down the hallway to my room. I had been sitting on the couch for a few hours doing absolutely nothing. Not even going through my phone. Just thinking. She was in my from, I don't know what she was doing. Ethan was in his across the hall. I should talk to Ethan first. He is my brother still.

I knocked quietly. The knob turned after a few seconds and he let me in.

"We need to talk dude." I said in a quiet voice.

"I understand." He nodded.

"Why didn't you just tell me you like her bro, instead of kissing MY girl." I said, still in a low voice.

"Look man, I didn't want to ruin your relationship but I think I love her too....." I look at him. He doesn't mean it. I can tell. He only truly loved one girl and she dumped him last year for our old friend Cameron. Since then, he falsely falls for many girls. Its Jem's turn. But I don't want her to leave me like the rest. They leave me, because Ethan is better and then he realizes he doesn't really love them, breaks their heart, and neither of us win.

"Remember Meridith?" I said almost whispering.

"Yeah why?"

"You said you loved her too.... For 3 weeks.. Then you broke her heart and she can't even admit to dating you dude. It hurt her that bad. And you even had a fling with Madison! You need to chill man, and find a good girl you really love."

He nodded. He knew I was right. He doesn't really love her. I hope anyway. Bit I'm pretty sure he just likes her, and thinks its a real thing.

"You think and talk to me later Eth, I have to talk to Jemma."

"Alright." He said, as I walked towards the door.

I took a deep breath before I walked into my room. Oh shit. No.


She buried her head in her pillow deeper. She was quietly crying. Probably about me. I feel terrible.

"Babe please." I said sitting down beside her putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry." She said sniffling.

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong. It was me. I was a dick. I shouldn't have yelled at you. You actually did the right thing."

"No Gray. I mean I'm sorry. For causing this. You and your brother probably hate each other now and its all me. I'm a fucking terrible problem that ruins everything." She said crying harder. I hate when she cries. She looks so sad and I want her to stop.

I pushed my lips I to hers and kissed as passionately ad I could.

"Babe. Its ok. Me and Ethan are fine, its just the way he is and he's sorry. But I understand why he did it. Who wouldn't want to kiss those, big, pink, soft, juicy, lips..." I said connecting our mouths again.


(After all is well, everyone's ok and its back to normal kinda)

Jemma's P.O.V.

"HEY! Can Cami come over?! Please! I feel like I haven't seen her in like 5411 days or something!!"

"Sure." They said at the same time and smiled.



"Buzz her in!" I shouted.

They let her in and laughed at me for freaking out so much. I don't care. She's my best friend and I miss her so fucking much!!! I'm so excited to see her. Eeeek!! I'm so happy.

After a few minutes she is finally up. She took the stairs. Ah jeez. Anyways..

*knock knock*

I race to the door and swung it open.

"Lil nugget!!!!!!"

"Honny! OMG I missed you!!!"

Ethan's P.O.V.

....Holy shit.

She's beautiful.

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