Chapter 32

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I leaned back into him, pressing myself up to his body. He groaned and his member started to harden and grow.

Suddenly he pushed his hands to my hips and spins me around, but not to do anything, but prevent me from continuing.

I looked at him confused.

"Wha-" He interrupted me.

"I don't want to hurt you again." He said dropping his head.

"Gray," I started, putting my hand on his cheek," I'm fine, don't wor-" He cut me off again.

"No stop." He pleaded.

"Okay.." I said and turned around and finished my shower before walking out.

I'm ugly. He saw me in the light and didn't want me anymore. I hate myself.

A tear slipped down my cheek. I wiped it away before I pulled up my sweatpants, then my big T-shirt and walked toward the kitchen. I was going to eat but, what's one meal going to hurt? I walked into the living room and sat. I opened snapchat and watched some of my friends stories. I scroll and see Grayson's story. I have never watched his story before, I'm intrigued so I click it.

The first picture is the sunset with a "#nofilter" caption. I giggle to myself, he's such a tumblr girl. The next is.. Me!? I was laying facing away from him. You could see my nude shoulder and my messy, dark brown hair. The caption was, "Mine forever 😭❤😍". I didn't notice until it fell on my screen that I had a tear of happiness run down my cheek. The next picture was of my body outline under the sheets with the caption, "..just perfect..". This made me smile so hard. Then, I remembered what I was upset about. Why didn't he want me this morning? He says these amazing things but doesn't want to touch me the same day. I get up and walk to the kitchen confused, I bend down and grab a bottle of water when a hand is placed on my behind. I slowly stood up and ignored him because I'm giving him the silent treatment I guess. I open my water and close the refrigerator door with out looking behind me. I turn and set my bottle on the counter after getting a drink. Completely ignoring his existence. Then I felt a pair of lips attached to my neck. I slightly pushed him away with my elbow.

"No." Was all I said.

Then two strong hands grabbed my waist harshly and pulled me back hard. With my weak legs I almost fell. I pushed off of him and begin to turn around.

"What the fuck Grays-" That's not Grayson. "Ethan!?" I push him away from me. "Leave me alone! What the fuck, don't touch me!" I shout. Grayson jogs down the hall to see what the commotion is about. He's fully dressed now, in a red shirt and normal jeans. Its nice to see some color on him. He's normally in black, grey or white.

I take long strides towards him and before he can say anything I crash my lips into his. He melts into the kiss and wraps his arms around me. I pull away and turn around then flip Ethan my middle finger. He looks at me, jaw clenched, fists balled up and heavily breathing.

I turn to look at Gray and he looks the same. Oh shit. I put my hand on Grayson's chest and non intentionally feel his racing heartbeat.

"Grayson calm down." I beg.

"What did you do this time, fucker." He shouts at Ethan. Oh no.

"Oh, you missed it buddy," he says 'buddy' sarcastically, "she was basically climbing on me." He says licking his lips as if I'd kissed him.

Grayson looks at me angrily.

"No, the fuck, I did not." I direct to Ethan. I turn to Grayson to tell him the truth. "He touched my ass and tried to pull me close to him so I told him to back off and I ran to you and kissed you to show him that I LOVE YOU!" I shouted 'love you' so Ethan could get it through his fat head that Gray is the one that I want. "And I don't fucking want him." I retort.

Ethan rolls his eyes, "Oh whatever, you're crazy for me on the inside, I can feel it." He responds.

Grayson lightly pushed me to the side of him before lunging at Ethan.

Ethan fought back this time. Grayson got on top of him and started repeatedly punching him in the face with his right hand while holding the neck of his shirt with his left. Ethan swung his leg up and smashed it into Gray's private area. Grayson groaned in pain, wailing over. Ethan took this as his opportunity to hit Grayson. He flung his fist into his face, hard, making Grayson's head snap to the side. Blood shot out of his mouth. Ethan was still a little bruised from the other day. I felt bad for that but now he deserved it. But not Grayson. He doesn't deserve to get hit. Grayson punched Ethan in the ribs and face a few more times while Ethan hit him with an uppercut to the chin and a solid punch to the gut. I pulled Grayson back and he fell easily due to his weakened state. They both fell back and drew in deep and heavy breaths. I looked over to Ethan and held out my hand. He looked at it confused but then took it. When he finally stood I punched him as hard as I could in the face and he fell back down.

"That's for Grayson." I smirked and turned around to Grayson to see an award winning smile. I helped him up and walked to our room.

"Damn Jemma. Who knew you were such a bad ass?" He chuckled but his voice was coarse.

I sighed and continued walking down the hallway. I felt bad for what happened and what I did. But what Ethan was doing was wrong. I opened the bedroom door and continued half walking / half carrying Grayson to bed. I laid him down and rushed to the bathroom. I grabbed an ice pack, a wet rag, some alcohol and a towel.

Mt right hands knuckles were reddish purple. Good job, I smirked to myself.

I walked back out to see Grayson staring at himself in the mirror. He had taken his shirt off while I was getting things out of the bathroom. I walk towards him and inspect him. He was holding onto his stomach and his lip was bleeding. I'm sure other things were hurt but that's what I could see. My eyes fell, and I felt ashamed and guilty.

(Ending it here, I know it doesn't make since but its too long haha.)

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