Chapter 15

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Jemma's P.O.V.
(For a while now)

Grayson is great. And...... Ethan and Cami, like... I don't know but hey, I would say they getting along great. *wink wink*

But I'm just happy everything's back to normal. I'm eating again. I'm not as sad. I miss my mom... a lot, but I can't change anything. What's done is done. I love her. And I can't wait to see her again.

Last night was crazy. Crazy fun. I hung out with my best friend and had a blast. She made it less... awkward between Ethan, Grayson, and me.

Ethan is just my friend. Nothing more.. I think... No! Were just friends. I really love Grayson. He is perfect. But so is Ethan.... Stop! What am I saying... Like, there's nothing wrong with Ethan, but Grayson is great, and I could never hurt him. He is too special to me. You can't love two people at the same time. Especially if they're brothers. Duh. What am I thinking.

It was the kiss... It was,... nice. To be honest. He was very passionate and it took me by surprise. It was kinda spontaneous. And I love spontaneous people. But no. Stop. I do love Grayson so much. God. He made me feel so much better when I was upset. Ah. He is great. I love him.

Ok, its time to get up.

I check my phone for a few notifications, then I hop in and take a quick shower. I have like, 2 outfits here. I need to go back to my house and get my stuff.

I wrap a towel around my chest and let it drape down my body. It comes to my mid thigh. My legs were smooth because I shaved so I rubbed them back and forth together, giggling at myself. It was cool. Every time I shave I feel like a penguin. I know, I'm weird. Whatever.

I brush my fingers through my wet hair and wipe off the raccoon smudged make up on my face. I walked out of the warm bathroom and am blasted by the cold air of Grayson's room. He's still sleeping so I'm not worried about sneaking to his dresser for something to wear. I open the top drawer and grab my favorite shirt. The white v neck I wear all the time, and a different pair of sweatpants from the second drawer. I sneak back to the bathroom and get dressed and throw my hair up in the towel.

Grayson is still asleep. I go to the nightstand and unplug my phone from Grayson's charger. I check the time, its 9:53. God Grayson. Wake up.

I took the towel out of my hair. It was more dry. Eh. Whatever. I ran my fingers through it again and started walking down the hallway.

I decided I'm going to make breakfast. And by, "make breakfast" I mean, grab bowls for cereal and get them out for everyone. I know, how kind? Thank you.

I tip toe into the kitchen and, fuck. Ethan is cooking bacon.. shirtless.

"Hey." I whispered from behind him.

He turned around startled, "Oh hey Jem."

Aw. He looks so sleepy and cute.

"Stop. What the fuck?" I thought I said in my head but I guess not.

"What?" He looked at me puzzled. His eyes were like, glowing. The sun, gleaming through the windows, exposing the beautiful colors. He had a cooked piece of bacon in his mouth, eating it. Not patient I guess, haha. That's cute... Dude, you need to stop. Seriously.

"Nothing.. Whatcha makin?" I said taking small steps towards him trying to peek over him.

"Bacon right now." He laughed. That laugh was cute, he is still sleepy so its like... Stop. "But I'll make it just like I did the other day, with the waffles-.." He cut himself off, just as I was about to.

"Ummmm? I thought Grayson made that, haha. He said he did?" I said looking at him suspiciously.

"No... You said he did." He said emphasizing the 'you'. "But uh yeah, its cool, its no big deal." He said and his cheeks were getting slightly red.

"Ahh. Ok. Well thank you for making it! It was delicious. Just like this is going to be." I said smiling and poking him in the ribs like he did to me, once before. Why didn't Grayson just tell the truth? Anyways whatever.

He blushed and nodded. He gestured to the platter of bacon, offering me a piece. I shook my head and mouthed the word, 'Nah'. He smiled.

"Ok. My bacon isn't food enough for Jem I guess. Whatever." He said teasing.

"Shut up." I said shoving a piece in my mouth. "Hey. Where's Cami?" I asked bobbing my head around looking for her.

"Uh... Oh! She went to the store to get something. Some uh, some type of food she likes. I don't know." He said chuckling.

His shirt is off and its hard for me to not stare at him. I sat down on the stool at the counter. He took the hot pan off the burner and set it on a towel next to me. Me, being an idiot, and not paying attention, I went to scoot it over. I grabbed it by the pan. I know. I'm dumb. I screeched in pain. I burned the tips of all my fingers. Fuck!

"OW! OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I said, jumping up and down holding my wrist staring at my hand.

That pan, was hotter than the devils slut girlfriend. I don't know what I'm thinking. It was just really hot and I feel dumb.

Ethan jumped toward me and wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me to the sink. He turned on the cold water and guided my hand under it. I winced in pain. He looked it me with sorry eyes. After about 20 seconds it felt better. I looked at Ethan and we made awkward eye contact. I looked away and then looked back stupidly. He was still looking. I just couldn't help it. I kissed him.

(Oh ok)

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