Chapter 46

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*3 weeks later* (Sorry for time skips but, gotta get to the good shit right?)

Ethan's P.O.V.

Cami told me that Jemma's birthday is September 18th and that's in a few days and she didn't tell us. I don't know why. But me and Gray are going to surprise her and I'm pretty excited about it. School starts on the 25th and I'm really going to miss not having her around everyday. She just makes you smile all the time and you're not sure why you're even smiling, you just are and you feel loved and appreciated and special. Its how everyone should feel, everyday.

Anyways, so we're throwing a nice party at Alex's house, and its gonna be a pool party. Which are the best so, its gonna be lit. Gray already got her a present and won't tell me what he got and I have no idea what to get her and its stressing me the fuck out. I've asked Cami but she just says, "I don't know," or "she's your girlfriend, how am I supposed to know?" Which is a fair point. She's really into like, drama and she needs an upgrade because my poor baby girls got the iPhone 5 still, god rest her soul. So maybe I can get her a new phone and case. That's actually a really good idea. I just want her to be happy.

Jemma's P.O.V

"Surprise!" Multiple people shout as I walk through Alex's front door.

"What the fuck E?" I slap his arm.

"Happy birthday!" He hugged me and spun us around.

"What? How did you know? I didn't tell anyo-" I huffed. "CAMILA LUCIA FARINA!" I playfully yelled at her.

She batted her eyes and looked at me innocently.

"I hate you." I said smiling, pulling her in for a hug.

Alex, Hailley, Cami, Grayson, Ethan, Anto, Agos, Brayleigh, Taylor, Kian, and Jc, were all here. I don't really know Agos and Anto, they're more of Cami's friends so she obviously made the "guest list", but I'm glad she invited some of my good friends from school. That's a nice surprise.

"Hey guys." I cheered as I engulfed them with a big hug.

"How have you been?" We indulged in small talk, simply catching up.

When I told them about my mom they both felt sympathy. I didn't really want to talk about it much because I was okay today and wanted to have a good birthday.


We ate cake and talked for while until it got kind of boring.

"Let's go swimming!" Alex yelled.

We got outside and everyone started taking off their clothes to go swimming, I guess everyone new this was the plan and was prepared, unlike me.

"I diet bring anything because I thought we were picking up Alex to go to the airport!" I complained jokingly.

"Hey Jem, can I see your phone?" Ethan asked out of the blue while talking off his sweatpants to reveal swimming trunks.

"Uh yeah, here. Why?" I said handing it to him.

"Because, I don't want you to lose all of your information silly." He cheesed.

"Why would I lo-" I was cut off my Ethan pushing me backwards into the pool.

You smooth little fucker.

"Ethan!" I yell.

"Gotcha!" He laughs.


"Hey, let's get out." Ethan whispered in my ear.

It was already dark out and to be honest we've been swimming for like two hours. My clothes were really uncomfortable to swim in, even though my shorts were gym shorts and my t shirt was baggy. With the water, they clung to my body and it was not comfy.

I simply nodded as we snuck away from my own party. We went inside and I followed him to nates bathroom.

"What am I going to wear?" I said hugging myself because of how cold I was, also shivering.

"Here, you can wear my, sweatshirt." He sang.

"Please. Just stop. I said putting my hand on his chest and then patting it.

He pulled me to his chest by my arm and looked down at me smiling.

"You seem cold. Let's get you warm." He said wrapping a towel around me.

We walked up stairs and went to a bedroom. I don't think it was Alex's because it wasn't furnished much, and there wasn't many decorations or anything.

"This is where me and Gray stay when we would come over all the time." He chuckled. "Believe it or not," he opened a drawer on the short dresser, "we have clothes here." He laughed.

I laughed too. "That's lucky." I said pointing towards my soaked person.

He set a cozy outfit out and laid it on the dresser.

"Alright. Hurry up. I think they'll notice we've left soon and then it will be time to leave." He laughed.

"Okay." I giggled.

As he walked out of the room I tried to peel my shirt off and it was so tightly stuck to my body I struggled.

"Eth!" I groaned.

After a few seconds he came back in and started laughing. I had it up halfway with my arms but it was stuck and I couldn't move.

"Don't laugh. Help!" I complained jokingly.

"How does one get stuck in a shirt?" He laughed, slowly making his way towards me.

"I don't know, now shut up and help me get it off." I said wiggling around.

"Okay, okay." He chuckled.

He slowly stepped towards me and gripped the bottom hem of my shirt that was level with my neck, and started to pull up. In no time it was off.

"Thank you." I said breathlessly.

Not even realizing I'm standing in my bra in front of my boyfriend. Oh well its the same as a bathing suit top.

Except its pink and white lace, that's soaking wet, with water droplets all across my chest. Ok, I look hot right now basically.

I looked up at Ethan and blushed.

"Uhm.. Thanks again." I awkwardly giggled.

"Wow." He said as he looked into my eyes.

"What?" I said confused.

He connected his, big, soft, warm, pink lips with my chilled, pale lips. He wrapped his hands around my back and pulled me towards him. He was shirtless, because we were swimming duh, but magically still warm. I clung to him as he deepened the kiss. Letting his tongue taste mine properly. I hummed into the kiss, as we backed up towards the bed. He slowly laid me down on it and claimed on top of me not breaking the kiss. His hands now were roaming my body all over as I had one hand in his hair and the other clung around his muscular back.

"Jem." He panted between kisses.

"Mm?" I moaned, responding.

"A-are we going to do this?" He stuttered.

I pulled away from the kiss and looked into his lust filled eyes.

Eyes are the window to the soul and you can get all the information you need by looking into them for just a few moments.

"Ethan." I stated softly, pulling his head back to mine reconnecting our lips. I pressed my forehead into mine and looked into his eyes once more to see if this was what he really wanted. "Are you sure?" I bit my lip, wanting nothing more than for him to say yes.

"Wow. I thought I should be asking you that. So,"he slowly dipped his head down to my neck, "are you sure?" He asked against my ear deeply and seductively.

"Absolutely." I lightly moaned against his neck.

"I've been waiting for this for so long." He smiled planting a passionate kiss to my swollen lips.

(Alright you horny mother fuckers, let's do this. Next chap by Sunday at the latest :') ok )

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