Chapter 51

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Ethan P.O.V.

I need to call her.

I run back inside the apartment and take the stairs, because the awkward chance of being in the elevator, with no shirt or shoes, with someone, doesn't sound fun. I finally reach my floor and walk down the hall to my apartment.

I take a deep breath and collect myself as I let what just happened sink in. I wipe away the tears that fall to prove I'm human. Although, right now, I wish I weren't. The power to feel is a blessing. But its also a far more powerful curse.

I slowly step inside. I softly shut the door behind me. I need to call her. I need to talk to her and convince her to come back.

"Good mornin." Grayson says dragging himself into the kitchen lazily.

"Not for me." I said sniffing in my runny nose.

"Woah bro. What's wrong?" He said concerned walking towards me.

Fuck. There it goes. I started to cry. "Sh-she left Gray. She doesn't love me anymore and she can't stay with us because she hurts us and she packed her bags last night and she just drove away and she left her phone and she slept with her shoes on! An-and she ran away. She doesn't want to see me anymore." I sobbed.

He looked confused as he processed what I just said.

"What?! Don't let her leave. She won't come back! This is your chance, go get her!" He said pushing past me, storming towards the door.

"No. Gray. Stop. I-I already tried. I did. She, she's already gone." I said collapsing to the floor. "I've never felt like this. It hurts."

He looked at me with sorry eyes.

"Ethan.. Don't worry. I'll get her back." He rubbed my back.

"You'll get her back?" I wiped my eyes.

"I mean for you. I'll get her back for you. For only you." (Ha)

"But- why did she go? I don't understand. I thought everything was perfect and we.. Um.. We kinda."

"I know." He said quietly.

"You uh. You knew about that?" I said awkwardly.

I might be in love with Jemma. But Grayson loved her first. I feel bad for having feelings for her. It was rough enough to adjust in the first place so talking about it is hard.

"Yeah, I knew.." He said looking down at the ground.

"Uh.. How?" I asked curiously.

He sighed. "Because I remember what she was like when it was us. And it was a lot like how she was acting the other day." He said glumly.

"Grayson.. I don't know how many times I should say I'm sorry. I'm sorry Gray. I-I just, its just, I don't know how to-"

"Its okay Ethan. Really. You can't help who you love. In this case, that statement is amazingly true." He sighed.


"Do you know where she could've went?" I asked.

We have called and texted many times for no answer and unread messages.

"Cami said she hasn't seen her yet and I don't know where else she would go bro." He sighed.

"Me either.." I sighed. "Maybe we should give her space."

"No we have to fix this. It's not right." He said standing up.

Jemma's P.O.V.

I didn't stay with Cami because that's the first place they'd expect me to go right now. I don't wanna talk to them. I need as clean of a break as I can get. I'm staying with Hailley for the first two nights just in case and then Cami. Me and Cami are still kinda iffy about everything. But she was my best friend for years. You can't just forget about that.

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