Chapter 36

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Jemma's P.O.V.

"Well how's this going to work?" I said kind of in a, 'this is never going to work' way.

"Just ignore Gray for a while and stay in my room. It will all settle down and sort itself out eventually."

I looked at him with my eyebrows raised.

He chuckled. "I promise I won't try anything." He said putting his hands up defensively, joking.

"Mmhmmm." I mumbled feisty and sassily.


We got back to the, too familiar, apartment.

We go inside and see no one.

"I guess he's in his room." He whispered. "He won't even know you're here." He said with a small smirk.

We tiptoed down the hall to his room. I've only been in here once I think. The day I kissed Ethan and Grayson best him up.

Good times.. *note sarcasm*

He kicks off his shoes by a rack full of nice neat shoes. I do the same and then observe the rest of the room.

Its a little smaller than Grayson's and the walls are painted tan instead of white. Its all set up differently but still the same normal stuff as in Gray's room except Ethan's dresser is bigger and he has way more shoes. I see Ethan also has an on suit bathroom but also a walk in closet.

How can two, 16 year old boys afford this place with out jobs? Maybe they like bought it or something. Can you buy an apartment? I don't know. Whatever. None of my business.

Ethan walks into his bathroom and starts to strip. He takes off his shirt and pants, leaving the door wide open. I look for a few seconds before making myself find something else to look at. I hear the water in the sink turn on so I'm assuming he's brushing his teeth. I slightly turn my head to peek and he's still only in underwear. He's bent over the sink, brushing his teeth.

His ass looks so fine right now. What the fuck Jemma stop. You're dick hungry. Stop. Close your goddamn legs hoe.

I slowly creep towards the bathroom awkwardly trying to not bring attention to myself.

"Hey-y.. Um.. do you a.. you have an extra toothbrush, or.. or something... I uh. I don't want to try to sneak to Grayson's bathroom." I nervously laughed. "It would be kind of impossible.." I giggle.

Ethan's P.O.V.

She's so adorable I am dying. Her cheeks turn pink when she sees me smile and chuckle at her stuttering.

"Yeah, here." I pull one out of the drawer and hand it to her.

When she grabbed it her finger brushed against mine and she looked up at me while I shifted my eyes to look at her and we both just smiled.

She obviously knows how I feel about her. And I'm pretty sure she feels the same way about me. We will see.


We finish getting ready for bed. Teeth brushed. Hair combed. Comfy outfits. All set.

"Uh. I like listening to some background noise when I go to bed. Do you mind if I turn on something on Netflix to go to sleep to?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

That's made up. I just have an idea.

"Sure. No problem." She smiled.

I turned on the TV and set up Netflix.

"What do you want to watch?" She asked curiously.

"I don't know yet. Maybe a movie I haven't see yet. I have a couple in mind. But first I'm going to go get some food and stuff. I'm starving! We skipped dinner." I laughed.

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