Chapter 43

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I laid in Ethan's bed, running my fingers across the sheets where he should be laying tonight.

I miss him. I want him home, and now. Why do they have to wait until tomorrow to release him? He's spending two nights in jail and he didn't do anything wrong, while there are murderers out free. He doesn't deserve this.

I check the time and it almost 4 am. Damn. Well, might as well stay up and get ready to go pick him up. They said I could come as early as 6 am, so when you think I'm going to be there? That's right bitch, 6 am.

I get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower. I strip off my close as the water heats up. I see what I hate seeing.

The mirror.

Why am I so fat? I don't eat that much, do I? Ugh, I hate myself.

I shake my head and step in the shower to stop looking at myself in the mirror. The water is a cool warm, which I like. I wash my hair and shave everything. I had time, so I used it. I sat in the warm water for a few minutes and then got out. I wrapped the towel around my body and tucked it in, securing it. I walked over to the mirror and wiped the fog away so I could see my face. I then wipe my face and then get ready.

I dried my hair and then straightened it.

I decided I want to look really good. Since I had time and I miss him so much I want him to drool when he sees me. I want him to want me with one glance.

I put on mascara and adjust it so it looks good, and then I put on some blush and that's enough for my face.

My outfit is gonna be hella hot.

I walk into Grayson's room, in my towel, knowing he's asleep but I still keep quiet and tip toe. I grab as many clothes as I can hold and sneak back to Ethan's room.

I throw the clothes down and see what I'm working with. Ooh. My favorite jeggings. My ass looks the best in these. I'm wearing them. I grab my push up bra and a Ivory Ella V neck that shows off my cleavage. I look hot.

I brush my hair one last time and I'm ready to go.


I step out of the Uber and tell him to wait. He nods and I go in to sign Ethan out.

The lady at the desk seemed nice and it was very simple to sign him out.

"Okay, we'll bring him out shortly." He said with a small southern accent.

I smiled and nodded then walked over to the chairs and took a a seat.

I texted Gray and told him I was picking Ethan up.

I waited for a few minutes and was really bored of waiting.

I heard the sound of a heavy door opening and then footsteps.

Ethan! I was so excited to see him. I miss him so much.

I saw him step from around the corner, in his outfit he wore to the party, and his hands wrapped. I ran and hugged him.

"Eth." I mumble into his neck.

"I missed you too Jem." He laughed.

"Let's go." I said pulling away from the hug and walking towards the door.

He interlocked his bandaged hand with mine as we walked to the car. I didn't ask because nows not the time. I missed him too much to care about anything else.

He slid in and I followed, sitting in the back with him.

I told the Uber where to go and cuddled up to Ethan.

"I missed you." I said playing with his hair.

"I missed you so fucking much. Jail is terrible."

"You shouldn't have gone to jail. That's so wrong." I shook my head feeling guilty.

"I understand why and I don't regret it." He rubbed my shoulder making me look up at him. "I can't believe Nate would do something like that." He said lowly. "How's your head?" He asked as he cautiously felt it.

I lightly cringed and hissed when his fingers brushed over the fresh stitches.

"Sorry! Sorry." He said when he saw my expression.

"Its okay." I barely smiled. "I'm fine now." I said leaning onto his chest.

He wrapped his arm around me and I slowly fell asleep against him.


"Jemma! Jem, get up. We're home." He said lightly shaking me.

I groaned and stretched off of him and got out of the car.

"Why are you so tired?" He chuckled.

"Well, I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking about you so I just stayed up and then came and got you as soon as I could." I explained.

"Aww." He smiled and blushed. "So, you had a lot of time to pick out this outfit, didn't you?" He said looking me up and down.

I looked down to see what I was wearing because I forgot, then I remembered.

"Oh, this?" I tried to act cool. "I don't know, I just grabbed something."

"Mmhm." he mumbled. "We'll it was quite a sight for sore eyes when I came around that corner." He licked his lips looking down at my cleavage.

I smirked to myself, knowing it worked. I low key pushed my chest out and walked into the elevator innocently. He stalked behind and stood dead in front of me staring at me until the doors closed.

I batted my eyelashes. "What?" I said in an innocent voice.

He grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall of the elevator. He attacked my lips and neck and cheek with kissed and bites as we rode up to his floor. I was out of breath and my hair was a mess as the elevator dinged at our floor.

He smirked st me as he walked out of the elevator and left me speechless. The doors started to close so I snapped back into reality and stopped them. He saw me and chuckled at how much of a daze I was in because of him.

I walked into our apartment and grabbed him. I pushed him up against the wall in the hallway.

"You think you're going to get away with that?" I said with a hint of anger in my voice.

"I already have." He smiled.

(He's back. I'm gonna stop updating every day for a little bit because I'm busy and I feel like I'm rushing the chapters and its not as good. So yeah, sorry.)

|| Also, tonight are the Teen Choice Awards. I'm so nervous. I hope they win, and even if they don't I couldn't be more proud they were nominated and for two. Good luck my baby idiots. ||

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