Chapter 23

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Cami's P.O.V.

Jemma is acting like such a bitch. Ever since she started dating Grayson she barely talks to me. Like, yeah her mom died but who cares? She's dead. Get over it. And she's dating Grayson but fucks with Ethan and Ethan gets beat up for it. Ethan doesn't want her. Haha I'm surprised Grayson even does. She's different now and I don't like it. I miss my best friend but I guess she's gone.

I've tried to be a good friend. I have. But she's being such a slut bag right now and she's different and I hate it. I'm not dealing with her right now. Ugh. I love her, but Jesus Christ I want to beat her ass. And she knew that me and Ethan were clicking and then she makes out with him. Haha they probably would've fucked if I didn't walk in. I don't know why Grayson is staying with her when she cheated. She's not that special. But I can't say they don't have some sort of connection. Its like that connection that you can't really explain but its there. They're always smiling when they're with each other, and he was there for her when her mom died. But still. I thank they should break up. She doesn't have time for me now and its not cool. Plus she's getting in the way of me and Ethan. Fuck her. Like, ugh. Anyway. Guess who texted me, wanting to come over and hangout? That's right. Ethey poo.

Ethan's P.O.V.

I called an Uber and went to Cami's house. She's hot but she's kind of annoying to be honest.

I knock on the door and she opens almost immediately.

"Hi Ethan!" She squealed pulling me in for a hard hug. Ok this isn't what she was like that night when we met. She was all shy and quiet. She seems different. Uh. Okay. I guess.

"Hey.." I said forcing a small awkward smile.

I walked in with her. "So what do you want to do!?" She has no chill. She's got a lot of enthusiasm right now and its not helping how pissed off I am.

"Uhm. I don't know, I just needed to get away from the house for a bit."

"Oh.. Do you want some pizza!?" She needs to calm the fuck down. She's basically yelling and smiling from ear to ear.

"Uh, sure." I'm regretting texting her right now.

The pizza was good, but she was just babbling the whole fucking time about something to do with her hair and tanning or something.

I zoned completely out and couldn't stop thinking about Jem. Being here with Cami makes me want her more. Now I can see what other girls are like, it makes me really wish Jem was mine. She's special. I was interrupted in my thoughts by the devil. I mean, Cami.

"What?" I asked because I didn't hear a fucking word she just asked.

"I said....," she said dragging out the word for 10 fucking seconds, "what do you want do now, silly!" She said playfully slapping my arm. Her attempt to flirt was an utter fail.

"Uh I don't know. I think I'm tired. Can I catch the couch and stay here tonight?" I don't want to stay here but I don't want to go home either.

(Right now Grayson and Jemma are hiking to the lookout if you're confused.)

"Yeah sure! Need a cuddle buddy?!" She asked winking.

God no. "Nah. I sweat a lot in my sleep." I lied. Hopefully grossing her out enough to keep away from me.

"Ew." She said snareling up her nose, in a crusty voice. "Ok well I'll go to bed too I guess. Goodnight." She said kissing my cheek.

Ew. I liked her a whole lot more before tonight. How did she change so much? Jesus.

I laid down on the couch and tried my best to sleep. It didn't really work. I couldn't stop thinking about Jemma.

Did her and Grayson really have sex? I know he had sex with some random chick when he was 14. I don't think its right for him to take her virginity so soon into a relationship when they're so young. Especially when he's not a virgin. And I know she has feeling for me. What was that kiss for? Before I left she apologized and said she kissed me too. So it wasn't just me. And she touched my cheek with her soft, perfect hand. I've had feeling for her since I saw her walking towards me at the carnival. I've cared about her through everything. Watching her with Grayson was torture. I didn't want to ruin anything. But what's the point? Why should I let someone go without fighting for them? When I love her! I can't just let her go. I can't stand to watch her with Grayson. I don't even want to go home. I need to figure out how I'm going to do this. Hell. I need to figure out what I'm going to do.

(Just so you know how everyone's feeling rn. I love when I post these. I have 6 ch. done after this. Haha.)

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