Chapter 42

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Jemma's P.O.V.

"Wh-what do you mean he's in jail? What happened?" I straggled out.

He pulled his chair next to the bed and sat down and held my hand.

"Ethan called me and said he caught Nate.. uh.. trying to rape you..." He coughed, "and uh, he stopped him..." He trailed off.

"W-why is he in jail. Nate is the one who-", he cut me off.

"Jem. Ethan almost killed him." He said with concern.

My eyes filled with tears. I can't believe all of this crazy stuff is happening. Why?

"So what's going to happen?" I said trying not to cry.

"We don't know yet.." He said solemnly.


"She's being discharged but she needs to talk with this gentleman before she leaves." The nurse directed towards Grayson.

He nodded. "Alright well, you uh- you guys talk. Jem I'll wait outside for you." He smiled reassuringly before walking out, closing the door behind him.

"I'm just going to ask you what happened last night and then you can go."


"Yes, he's my boyfriend."

He wrote on the pad.

"And when did he come into play when this was happening?"

"He uhm. Nate was about to.. He was about to.." I choked on my tears.

"Its okay miss, take your time."

"Um, he was about to take off my pants." I mumbled.

He nodded and wrote things down.

"Well he has every right to do what he did. Its with the law so after we ask him a few questions and get this cleared up he should be out of jail." He smiled.

"When?!" I ask frantically as he's about to walk out of the door.

"As soon as possible. Have a good day mam." He left.

I grabbed my things and walked out of the room. Grayson was sitting by the door, on the floor.

"Get up. Time to go." I said cheerfully.

"What did he say!?" He begged.

"Ethan's getting out soon." I smile.

"No way! Yes!" He pulled me into a hug.

I just took in the moment. His scent. His warmth. I missed this. We pulled away and started walking out, waving to the nurses and assistants.

They gave me 18 stitches on the back if my head, but you couldn't even see them trough my hair so it was like nothing ever happened.

As we were walking home, crossing streets Grayson grabbed my hand. I was surprised but it was probably just to keep me safe. To keep me close and so we don't get separated.

We finally reach the apartment building and go home.


Grayson's P.O.V.

I can't believe Ethan let her out of his sights. This is all his fault. But I'm glad he saved her. He doesn't deserve to be in jail.

I've always fucking hated Nate. Why would he take her to his house? God. Sometimes Ethan is stupid. What if she died? What if Ethan didn't stop Nate?


I love her.

No matter how much I say I don't. Or pretend I don't. I still do.

With all my heart. But she's in love with him now. Which by now I should be used to this. I just never am. And this time it hurts more. Because I still care. I love her more than anyone else on this planet. But I can't do anything about it. Cami isn't so bad but she's not Jemma.

I thought Cami would make Jemma jealous but that was just stupid. Jemma's too perfect to be jealous.

This all sucks.

When she speaks, I get goosebumps. When she says my name, my heart flutters. When we hold hands, I get butterflies. Everything about her is perfect. Except for the fact she's not mine.


Jemma's P.O.V.

I love him.

Not the same way I love Ethan but I do. I don't know what's different about it. I love one like a best friend and the other like a soul mate. But I've ruined everything.

Ethan is in jail. My fault. I shouldn't have worn such short shorts. Grayson's with Cami. My fault. I shouldn't have left him. My mind is too conflicted and confused all the time. I can't keep changing lanes and swerving. I need to get in the fast lane and stick with it. I want to be with him but the way I feel about his brother tells me something different. I love him. But I love him too.

He's perfect for me.

He's the one.

But I can't.

Can I?

How have I been ignoring this, I know I truly, madly, deeply do. I love him.

(Haha short short short. HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUEEN. Who's she talking about hmm? I know I'm stupid, sh.)

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