Chapter 8

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"Emergency room?" My mom said frightened.

"Oh don't worry Ms...."

"Ms. Austyn...." She said with a straight face.

She was probably wanting to know what the fuck Gray was talking about. The thing I was trying to keep a secret!

"Ms. Austyn.." He cleared his throat. "Well uh, Jem cut her foot on a piece of metal at the park and we went to the hospital to make sure she would be okay.." He paused to examine her reaction. "It was like a paper cut she was just worried."

I sighed. Jesus fuck Grayson. You idiot.
"Oh, are you ok bug?" My mom said concerned.

"Yesss. I'm fine. Don't call me that." I said embarrassed.

Grayson chuckled. "Haha, bug." He laughed.

I sighed and threw my head down.

"What is going on in here anyway?" I said looking up and my mom and Grayson.

"Oh well, your boyfriend said that you wanted me to meet him and he's asked me if you guys could have your "lil date"." She said with a pursed smile and pink cheeks. "So I'm going to go to work. I'll be home at 12 but Grayson, you get home when your mom wants you there." She said smiling. "Be safe. I love you. Have fun." She said before kissing my cheek and grabbing her purse then walking out.

Once I heard the door shut I threw my fist at Grayson's shoulder.

"Gray!" I said smiling. He was giggling.

"Yes bug?" He said with a smirk.

"Oh my God. No." I said with a glare. "Let's just go to my room." I said shaking my head.

We decided to make some popcorn, tie sheets up and throw a blanket down and make our selves a tent to watch some Netflix in. It took so long to make it but in the end it was worth it. I thought it was really cool.

We saw there was a few episodes of Fuller House already in there and neither of us had seen it yet so, we clicked episode 1.

"This is so cheesy." Grayson said chuckling.

"I agree." I said shoving a fistful of popcorn in my mouth.

He looked at me and smiled as I was laughing with a mouthful of popcorn.

"Whadu wan?" I said taking with a mouthful.

"You're so God damn cute." He said with a big smile.

I threw my open hand up over my face and looked away blushing.

"Shut up." I said after swallowing my mouthful. Still avoiding eye contact.

"Babe." He said seriously, putting his finger tips under my chin. He guided my face to look at his.

He looked me in the eyes until I shied away and look down at my hands. My eyes wandered up to see if he was still looking at me. I took a fast deep breath when his lips collided with mine. His hand swatted away the empty bowl of popcorn that was resting on my lap. He hovered above me as I moved to lay on my back.

His hand slid through my hair as we continued to make out. He pulled away and caught his breath. I bit my lip as he looked in my eyes breathing heavily.

"Fuck." He whispered before dropping his head back down to mine.

His left hand was intertwined in my hair. His right hand was on my hip, gently and slightly moving up and down. His lips traveled away from mine and moved to my outer cheek, then to my jaw. He left a trail of wet kisses, grazing his teeth over the fresh love bites. It was painful but also an undeniable pleasure. Just like he had done before, he blew over the area, sending chills all throughout my body. I felt goosebumps form under his tough.

I was done sitting there defenseless. I softly pecked his jaw, then I licked a thin stripe under his jaw line with the tip of my tongue. I connected my lips in the area behind his jaw and under his ear. This made Grayson plunge his face into the crook of my neck and moan.

I left a line of meaningful kisses down his neck to his collar bone. I was pulling out the big guns. Using everything to my advantage. Lips, tongue, teeth, even my hands were being used to torture him. My left hand was on the back of his neck, then I slid it up to grip the hair on the back of his head. Slight tugs seemed to be working in my favor.

Grayson was getting in his fair share of teasing too. He knew my weakness, my sweet spot at the base of my neck above my collar bone. Oh my god.

Fuck you Grayson. I bit into his shoulder to try to keep myself from moaning. This excited Gray. He pulled away and looked at me. I had a deep smirk on my face also blushing. His lips collided with mine and he wasted no time forcing his tongue past my barrier, and I let him.

I noticed a hard bulge against my thy. My erotic thoughts were interrupted my something.

"Shit." Grayson mumbled pulling away from my lips, breathing heavily.
*Ding* I heard again. I rolled up out of my embrace with Grayson and went to walk towards the door.

Who the fuck is ruining this for me now.

The door rang for a 4th time before I could open it.

"Cami.." I huffed out, sighing. I brushed my fingers through my tangled messy hair, and tried to catch my breath.

"Woah, whats going on here missy?" She said smiling.

"Nothing.." I replied annoyed. "What do you want."

"Oh umm.." She paused. Her mood switched.

"Come on spit it out bitch." I said giggling.

"No. Its uh... Jem its your mom.."

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