Chapter 29

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(This is going to be short because the next one is, you know, tha dirtayy and that's long so, yeah okay, enjoy.)

The cold rungs of the ladder made my fingers freeze as I wrapped my digits around each bar, descending. We finally reached the bottom and I hopped off the last step, planting my feet into the ground. After a few seconds Grayson was on the ground too.

"My hands are freezing!" I said rubbing them together to create friction.

"Let me help." He smirked.

He spun me around and pushed me up against the chain link fence. He intertwined both of his hands with mine and held them above my head against the fence. He quickly connected out lips. Pecking multiple times, softly.

He soon after changed and picked up the pace, kissing me harder and more intensely. He groaned into the kiss when I bowed out my hips out, into his.

He continued to roughly kiss me as he thrusted his hips back into mine hard and holding my body completely against the fence.

I couldn't move anything except my mouth.

I bit his lip and pulled back. He reattached our lips before quickly letting go.

"Jem.." He said with a shaky voice. "I have a little problem and only you can fix it and we need to get somewhere." He looked down at his pants. "Like. Now." He said with a serious face.

"Then let's go." I grabbed his hand and ""accidentally"" brushed my hand against his member through his pants. I'm such a tease.

I felt him tense up when I did that. I smirked to myself. I started climbing the fence and suddenly I felt a big, warm hand on my ass. I looked down at him. "What are you doing there buddy?" I smirked.

"Oh-uh.. Helping you up the fence." He smiled mischievously.

I rolled my eyes playfully and kept climbing. When I got to the top I waited for him to climb. I sat on the plastic tube. He climbed up and quickly jumped down. I looked at him and he gave me a reassuring nod. I jumped down ad he caught me, but bridal style this time. Instead of letting me go he carried me.

"Put me down before I break your arms!" I laughed.

He looked at me with dark eyes before he quickly repositioned his hands. He lifted me like how a super hero lifts cars.

"Oh my God! Let me down!" I yelled giggling.

He smirked and laughed. Then he brought me back down to his chest and wrapped his arms back underneath me. He kept walking through the woods around the Hollywood sign to get back to my Jeep.

|Oh and by the way, when the movers brought over all of my stuff, I got my moms other car that she would let me drive. And I have my licence.|


We got out of the car and quickly walked to the apartment building. Grayson pulled out his key and let us in. We took the stairs not waiting on the elevator and rushed to our apartment.

(Next update like, now.. Its probably already up. I know, I'm awesome.. And btw I realized that, since chapter 15 its been like 3 days in total in the story lmao. Oh well. That's crazy tho..)

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