Chapter 24

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"We're finished." Gray said smiling as he threw away the trash from the boxes.

"Its crazy right?" I shyly smile, looking down at my feet.

"What's crazy?" He says furrowing his eyebrows.

"This." I say motioning my arms around the apartment. "I live here now." I sigh in disbelief. "Are you sure that you want me to stay?" I widen my eyes. "You're probably going to hate me if you're stuck with me everyday." I laugh.

He stepped closer to me smiling. "Jem, you and I both know its impossible for me to hate you. You could hit me with a bus and I'd still be madly in love with you. " He said grinning. While he finished his sentence he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up and twirled me around. I laughed and slapped his shoulders.

"Gray!" I said giggling. "Let. Me. Go!" I slapped his shoulders.

"Okayyy okay." He chuckled.

She set me down and smiled then suddenly his smile dropped. He seemed confused.

"Um, have you seen Ethan? I haven't seem him since yesterday...? Where is he?" He said looking strong the apartment.

He walked into Ethan's room and walked out. He checked the bathroom across the hall from Ethan's room.

"I have no idea. I texted him but he didn't tell me where he was." I simply stated.

"When did you text him?" Gray said, he looked slightly angry now. Oh shit.

"Earlier." I paused. "I was wondering where he was, he didn't come home last night." I said, a little frightened.

"Why do you care? You're not his girlfriend." He seemed pissed off.

"Are you seriously mad at me right now?" I said growing some balls.

"How the fuck am I not going to be mad. You stick your tongue down his throat and then I understand its a mistake and forgive you, then he's just, ya know "your little pen pal" so yeah. Might get a little upset." He said 'your little own pal' with a baby voice obviously because he's mad.

"I just wanted to know where he was Grayson." I said timidly.

"Why!? So you could cheat on me again? You know I'm sure Nate would love to get in on that. The least I can do is share you. Won't let Ethan be so selfish." He said in a condescending way. Ouch.

"No.. I-I was just worried Grayson.." I say quietly sitting down on the couch.

He was only a few feet away in the kitchen. Its an open floor plan so, we can still see and talk to each other with ease.

He stormed back out of the kitchen and came face to face with me.

"How can I trust you?! What kind of girlfriend makes out with her boyfriends brother!?" He says shouting.

I'm not sure what to do right now. This is scaring me and he's right.... I don't know what to do I've never seen him like this at all. This escalated quickly.

I just look down at my hands and play with my fingers while he's centimeters away from my face.

"You shouldn't be doing your 'mommy' check ups on him! He's my brother. Keep your whore ass away from him!" He yelled louder.

I started to tear up but I couldn't cry. I need to hold it in. Its just a fight. He doesn't mean it. He's just overreacting... Is he?

"Nothing to say? You have nothing to say, do you? Its because I'm right!" Should I say something, or would that make it worse? Oh god. This is a delayed reaction from yesterday morning. I thought we were okay, but he's been keeping this in. I understand.

"I don't love Ethan I love you. I told you this." I say on the verge of tears. "It was a mistake."

"A mistake." He scoffs. "Yeah you "accidentally shoved your tongue in his mouth. "Ooopsiee.""

I get off the couch and try to go to our room. This is getting out of control.

I don't know what happened. I felt really bad. He was right about everything. I deserved this.

"Where the fuck are you running off to? Gonna go jump in Ethan's bed? Oh wait, you've probably already been there right?"

I stop and turn around instantly.

"Shut the fuck up Grayson! You're not yourself! You know EXACTLY how I feel about you! Don't act like its any different. I love you. Talk to me when you're YOU again!" I shout. I surprised myself. That was awesome. I mentally pat myself on the back.

Grayson looked at me with disgust and then walked past me to his room and shut the door. I was hurt by what just happened. I was crying but quietly. I didn't want him to hear. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse. The door opens. Ethan's home.

(Don't hate Grayson! And remember its just a story. You'll see. Just trust me. And.. Its short I know. Shh. Next one soon, as always.)

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