Chapter 4

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The sun was gleaming through the slightly opened curtains. The golden rays falling upon his deeply chiseled face. Even while sleeping he was breathtakingly beautiful.

His wing earring rested against his jawline as he drew in slow, deep breaths. Lips slightly parted letting out a soft snore. Something that he would find embarrassing but I found so lovable and pure.

I brushed my fingers through his hair lightly, admiring his face. I let out a small giggle when he started to wake. Squinting his already closed eyes, attempting to block out the sunlight. Slight groans broke out in the peacefully silent room as he stretched. Soon rolling onto his side to face me more completely. His eyes slowly opened to find mine fixed on him.

"Good morning." I whispered.

He smiled as he closed with his cute retainer and his eyes and rolled onto his back. Taking me with him by my wrists. Pulling me down to lay on his chest.

"Good morning, dork." He quietly laughed.

Pulling me onto him more, I felt him start to fully wake. My knees were on either side of his waist with my head on his bare chest. Hands resting on his large biceps. His arms wrapped around my lower waist. I crept up to give him a kiss on the cheek but he caught me before I could complete my objective. His eyes opened to stare into mine. He put his right hand on my cheek and glided it up to the start of my hair line. Gently guiding my face down closer to his.

My heart began to beat faster as the distance decreased. Just before our lips met he quickly slid his tongue over his lips. I could feel the smile on his lips as we continued the gentle touch.

He knew exactly what he was doing. Every movement was for me. My happy and excited reactions were read by Grayson as he sat up, still holding our embrace. As I began to pull away he caught my lower lip between his. His light tug had one purpose, and it was working. I slid my hand through his hair to palm the back of his head, holding him to me. His left hand on my lower back and his right still on my cheek but now more in my hair as he held me in place as well.

I regretfully pushed my hands to his muscular chest and pushed him back. Our lips making a quiet popping sound and we disconnected. He gave me his cheeky smile, waiting for me to talk, but instead I just smiled. I slid off of his lap and hopped down to the floor. I blushed as I quickly pulled the shirt of his I was wearing, back down to cover my exposed underwear. He quickly followed me out of bed, standing before I could take more than three steps. I walked faster than previously towards the door. This had suddenly become a race to the door as we both scrambled to get there first. His movement confused me when he stopped in front of me. I clumsily ran into his hard back, not ready for his sudden cease in movement. We both laughed at the event. He turned around and looked down at my face.

While getting up he must've taken out his retainer, the smile/smirk rejvealed.

His looming height was something I adored while being in his presence. He made me feel safe. With him around nothing bad could happen to me. His presence alone was comforting.

He wrapped his arms around my back and lifted me with ease to his chest. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he began to walk with me. I left soft kisses to his jawline as he walked.

"Where did you think you were going, Jem." He said jokingly.

"I was going to make you breakfast." I said quietly before resting my face between his neck and shoulder.

"Well then I should've let you win." He laughed.

"Oh yeah." I said with a sarcastic tone. "Like I couldn't beat you on my own. I let you win just then." I said attempting to keep a straight face.

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