Chapter 2

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The bell rang as I was completely focused on my phone screen. The sudden noise caused my body to tense in my chair. Grayson had been texting me all day. It was really nice. He just wanted to know things, like my favorite color, or movie. I returned the questions and learned about him. I loved how he didn't wait to reply or just ignore me if the conversation became stale. He could pull an interesting conversation out of anywhere. Normally texting people isn't my strong suit, but Grayson just made it easy.

My shoulder ached as I carried the book bag filled with homework along the sidewalk. Slightly leaning to one side as my feet, half shuffled half dragged under me on the concrete. I felt a buzz in my back pocket which immediately spread a smile across my face.

"Are you busy tonight?" Read a text from Grayson.

I was conflicted. I badly wanted to see Grayson but the stacks of homework waiting for me was pinning me down. I thought about it for a while.

"Not really, why?" I lied.

Only seconds after my message delivered my phone buzzed again.

"There's this thing.."

I was intrigued.

"I might be interested. Go on." I teased.

"You should come with me."


After hiding all evidence of homework and preparing to convince my mom that I had finished all of it in class, I also had to figure out a way to get her to let me do this. Asking her to go out, on a school night, with a boy.

My mom was going to be home any minute. I wasn't a strong liar but I had to act like I had little to no interest in Grayson which seemed an impossible feat with my ever growing interest in him. Or I could say I was hanging out with Cami or something but she knows that she has theater class so that wouldn't work. I was getting more and more anxious.

I heard the keys rattle in the door, followed by footsteps down the hall. I walked into the kitchen to meet her.

"Hi Honny." She said pulling me in for a hug. "How was your day?"

"Fine." I replied. Tapping my nails on the counter.

"Then, what's wrong?" She asked concerned.

"Oh, haha, nothing. I just had a question." She waited. "Ok so there's this guy.." I started.

"Just go." She smiled. I looked at her puzzled.


"Go! You're 16 its about time you have some fun." She said enthusiastically. "Wait, do you have any homework?"

"Nope. Got it all done in class."

"That's my girl. You can take the Jeep if you want or I can give you money for an Uber."

"I can drive, that's no problem."


Pulling up to a park where Grayson had told me he would be, I still had no idea what we were doing. Then I see the same boys I had seen a few nights before. Shouting and running around. I walked toward them and I finally saw Grayson. I continued to casually stroll towards the group of rowdy boys that seemed excited about something again.

"Jemmaaaaaa!!!!!" Nate screamed.

"Oh my god! Jemma!" Ethan mocked.

I slightly blushed again. Grayson laughed as he walked over and wrapped his arms around me and give me a kiss on my forehead. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. Why was he so damn cute?

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