Chapter 31

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Ethan P.O.V.

It was late when I finally heard them come home. The door was opened hard it slammed against the wall. It made me jump. I was worried something was wrong. Then I heard it slam shut. I was confused and didn't know what was going on so I sat up off my bed and walked to my door. I opened it to peek out to see what the hell is going on. I see Jemma just standing there. She starts slowly walking backwards and she curls her index finger signaling for someone to come forward. Then from around the corner, Grayson is finally in view. I cringe at the sight of them doing this. Teasing each other and shit.

They're literally 16. What the fuck. I mean, I get it though, if I was with Jemma, it would be hard to resist her perfect body. Those big, plump lips. Her tan, gorgeous legs. Her sexy thighs. Her beautiful eyes. Her round ass..stop.

I can't help but think about her. I want her so bad. Why does Grayson get to have her? He's a piece of shit. He makes her cry, he doesn't protect her. That is what I would do, I would protect her. I'd never let her get hurt. I would never make her cry and leave her in the hallway to sulk. No, I would wipe her tears away and hug her until she was okay. And then kiss her until she was happy. And then let her know how much i love her until she's smiling so hard, her cheeks hurt. She's too prefect to cry. And I'm sure that Grayson will make her cry again. He's an asshole and he treats her like shit.

All of a sudden she takes off and runs down the hallway fast, Gray following her. I pull my door back making the cracked opening much less noticeable. They run right past my room to Grayson's and he pushed her to the door. He just crashes himself into her. Ew, yeah I'm done.

I close my door and sit back on my bed. It disgusts me that she's sleeping in his bed at night. I hate how he's the one who gets to kiss her, and hug her, and love her, when I could do it better. I know she has some type of feelings for me, she just won't tell the truth and let it out. You can't say a connection, isn't a connection.

Jemma's P.O.V.

I wake up to the sound of soft, adorkable snores, and the smell of.. What's that smell? It smells really good. Like heaven food or something. Before I go discover what my nose is sensing, I need to take a quick shower.

I roll over on my side and grab my phone.

3 Missed Calls From "Cami 😒"
26 Unread Messages From "Cami 😒"
Snapchat (8) "Cami_Lucia"

The fuck this bitch want? Whatever, I'll read it later.

Since she's my only notifications I set my phone down and decide to get up.


Easier said then done.

My legs were just, no. Fuck no. I can't move. I lay back down completely and just let all of my muscles relax. I try to sit up again.


I lay back down and roll over to Grayson. He was facing me with his cheek pressed to the pillow. His lips open and pushed together by his face laying on the pillow how it is. I silently giggle before getting ready to wake him.

I was about to shake him but I thought of a better way.

I pressed my lips to his. After doing so I was worried because I didn't even think about his or my morning breath, but his was great so it was just mine to worry about. He kissed back before opening his eyes. He moved his hand up and slid it into my hair. He stroked, brushing through it slightly. My hand was on his cheek and jaw, moving my thumb pad back and forth over his skin. I reluctantly pulled away and smiled.

He opened his eyes and blinked a few times.

"Good morning to you too." He lowly chuckled.

Oh shit. Not the morning voice.

"Gray.. I-I actually need help..." I giggled.

He lightly furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his chin. "With..?"

I pushed my hand to my for head and my cheeks caught fire. I laughed at myself embarrassed.

"Walking." I said before covering my face with my hand trying to hide the embarrassed smile and pink cheeks.

He deeply laughed. "Oh my God. Are you serious?" He asked still laughing but lightly rubbing my hip.

I removed my hand from my face and nodded as I bit my lip.

He smiled and nodded. He stood up and got off the bed. The sunlight streamed across his nude body and I just stared in awe.

He is like, the most gorgeous person possible. And I'm not saying that because he's my boyfriend, blah blah, but honestly. Like, the most attractive human on this planet. Hotter than any movie star I swear. And I swear to god I'm not just saying that. He honestly is.

He saw I was staring but just shyly smiled and shook his head. I looked at his eyes and quietly laughed, thinking about what I was just doing and what's he's helping me with right now.

He picked me up bridal style and the sheets slid off my body. I covered myself with my arms in embarrassment as he carried me to the bathroom. He sat me down in the shower on the seat and left back to the room for a second. He came back with two towels and outfits for both of us.

I laid flat against the wall, my bottom half aching. He walked into the shower and turned it on. He stood in front of the water and I know he was being hit with cold water. He was standing there blocking it from hitting me, because j couldn't get out and he didn't want me to freeze while the water heated up. As I thought about it I just admired him. He turned around to adjust the heat of the water more and I saw his back.

It was painful to see. It looked like he was in a fight with Edward Scissorhands. I cringed and felt guilty. That must hurt so bad.

It slowly got warm and the he looked at me, asking for permission. I nodded and he picked me up from my waist and held me to him. I let out a shriek of pain when I stood completely up. He wrapped his arms around me tighter and held me up.

"I didn't know it was that bad, I'm so sorry." He held me against the wall of the shower.

"No.. I-I'm fine, I j-just, it hurts." I silently chuckled.

He looked guilty as I stood by myself, adjusting to the pain.

Holy shit, he did me good.

After a few minutes I was okay to stand and walk it was just uncomfortable.

The water got warmer and it was nice. I started to relax. My backside was against Grayson's front and after a minute I noticed something.

I just wanted to make sure I was right before I did anything so I swayed my hips, brushing my ass against him again. I felt it harden and he groaned. Oops.

Looks like Gray has another problem. I want to help.

(Jemma Jemma Jemma)

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