Chapter 5

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(Grayson's POV)

I heard her scream after I lost sight of her. We were only separated for a few moments. It all happened so fast.

I paddled over towards her voice. I saw fingertips above the water's surface right before the water pulled her completely under. I couldn't see any movement when I dove under and wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her above. I swam as fast as I could with her to shore, placing her on the edge of the beach. Her legs still floated in the water. Her upper body completely above, laid motionless on the sand. I couldn't see her breathing. Her face was pale. Blood pouring out of a hidden wound from the back of her head I hadn't noticed before.

I pressed on her chest trying my best to give her CPR. I never learned but I had seen it done many times so I attempted to duplicate the images scattered in my head. I didn't know what to do. I was panicking.

I plugged her nose and breathed into her mouth, then continued to press on her chest. I repeated this 3 times. After the fourth time of pushing my breath into her lungs, she finally moved. She coughed and gargled water out of her lungs. I caught my own breath once knew she was awake and could breath. I was breathless from the rush of events that had taken place in the past few minutes.

"Jemma! Jem are you okay?" I asked frightened.

"My head.." She said. Pulling her left arm up towards the back of her head. The blood had been a substantial amount by that point.

"I'm going to go grab my phone." I said still frightened.


(Jemma's POV)

The pain was excruciating. The ambulance was driving so fast and every bump or turn caused immense discomfort in my head.

Grayson held my hand tight. A concerned and scared look still on his face. The medics had wrapped my head, and told us that I would be okay, they just wanted to get to the doctor to make sure because of how hard my head hit the rock.

"You saved her life." Said the tall, thin, blonde medic to Gray.

"No I didn't." He said dropping his head to rest on the floor of the ambulance. "It was my idea to go to the beach. I'm the one who let her get too far from me. I should've known it was too deep." He said holding back tears, and his voice cracking. "She even said she didn't want to go.." He trailed off. "She came because I wanted to." He said with hate towards himself. "I am so sorry Jem." He said looking up at me desperately.

"Gray." I said in a soft voice, tugging his hand. "Come here." I said with a frown. I pulled his head in close and whispered into his ear. "Hey, you. Shut up." I pulled his face towards mine and planted my lips eagerly to his.

"It's not your fault." I whispered against his soft lips.


The car ride home was unbearable. He wouldn't even look at me with my bandaged head. He felt guilty. He was upset with himself.

"Stop." I pleaded.

"I'm so sorry Jemma." He said in a low mumble.

"Aye. What happened to your head?" Said the Uber driver confused. He has a Hispanic accent.

"A little beach drama." I said with a smile.

"Oh. Are you okay to listen to music?" He said, gesturing to the radio.

"Yeah. That's fine." I answered.

Grayson held my hand tighter and looked at me with sorry eyes.

"Don't worry about it Gray." I said with a forced smile. "Pretend it never happened."

He brushed away a few stray hairs that laid in the bandage around my forehead. He slid his fingers into my hair and gave me another delicate kiss. I pulled my arm up to keep him close, wanting more than a soft peck on the lips.

"Aye." The driver interrupted. "This is a car not a hotel." He joked. "You're five minutes from home. Can it wait?"

"How about you just keep your eyes on the road." Said Gray, with a laugh.

"If you say so." Said the Uber, with a smirk.

(Shorter chapter I know. Kind of a filler..)

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