Chapter 48

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I woke up in bed to the best morning I could ask for. Ethan was wrapped around me and his warm body heated mine. Memories of last night forced a small smile on my face with heat in my cheeks. I should probably go downstairs and see what's going on. We kinda just, left.

I'm 17. Oh my God. I forgot my birthday was yesterday until I walked through the front door. I thought ignoring it would help but now its sinking in.

That's crazy. Time flies so fast. I wish my mom was here. She would wake me up with a big breakfast and cheer about how big of a day it is. We would go shopping and talk about everything that's been going on. She would help me make better choices, and take me school shopping. She would let me get the expensive shirt because she knows I love it even though I pretend to hate it because of the price. She would bring me different sizes or colors as I wait in the dressing room. I'd give her a runway walk and we would laugh at how silly I was. She would take days off of work to do those things for me. God. I miss her so much.

I can't let the thought of her make me upset. She wouldn't want that. I need another good day. I hate the bad ones.

I want to go home and get some sleep. The area between my legs is in a lot of pain.

I slowly rolled out of bed and realized I'm completely nude. I don't want to him to be left naked on the bed so I'm not going to take the blanket to cover myself. I just quickly, well as fast as I can waddle, step towards the short dresser. I pull out a big blue T-shirt and slide on a pair of Tommy Hilfiger boxers. The shirt comes to mid thigh so I feel its okay enough to wear downstairs, no matter who is down there.

I pick up my wet clothes then quietly slip out of the room to see what's going on.

Grayson was passed out on the couch, and I'm guessing Alex was in his room. It didn't seem like anyone else was here. I look around for the dryer so I can dry my wet clothes and we can leave. After wondering through the kitchen and down to the basement, I found it. I threw my clothes into the empty dryer and finally figure out how to start it.

I go back upstairs to wait for them to dry. I reach the kitchen and decide I should maybe make some food for everyone.

I walk to the fridge and grab eggs, sausage, and cheese. I open the fridge and find hash browns and tortilla shells. Okay, breakfast burritos it is. That actually sounds delicious.

I set everything out, on the island in the kitchen, next to the stove. I go through the cabinets until I find two pans in cabinets beside the sink. I turn on the glass stove top burners and let them heat. After a few minutes, I crack open 3 eggs and stir them around in the pan. I added salt and pepper, so they aren't bland. They started to become opaque and fluffy so I cut it into smaller pieces with the spatula edge. Once they were done I repeated it with some more eggs.

I put all of the finished eggs in a bowl and set them off to the side. I then wiped out the pan and cooked sausage, breaking it into small chunks too. After the sausage was finished, it was time for the hash browns, but my actions were interrupted by someone walking into the kitchen.

"Woah." A light voice said.

I turned to see shirtless Alex, in only boxers. Nice.

"I'm. Making, breakfast." I smiled and giggled.

"I totally forgot you guys were here. I'm gonna go get dressed." He laughed with flushed cheeks.

"Okay." I giggled and smiled.

He turned back and walked upstairs.

I turned back and loaded the hash browns into the pan and let the heat sizzle the food. I mixed it around with the spatula. I need to cook the tortilla shells. I pull out a baking sheet and put the shells on and then turn the oven on to preheat.

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