Chapter 27

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"Well this is nice." Gray said smiling.

He strolled past us and sat on the couch. He was smiling really big and it was very confusing.

I pushed Ethan's chest to get off of him and stood up. I can't believe Ethan did that. I though he was Grayson! Fuck my life.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand in disgust and slowly stood up. Ouch. My head hurts. I started walking towards the living room where Grayson was sat on the couch turning on the television looking happy.

"Grayson. I can explain." I said fixing my hair.

He looked at me and smiled. He turned off the television and laughed.

"Its funny isn't it?" He chuckled. "Its funny I felt bad for yelling at you. Its funny I forgave you. Its funny I believed you. Its funny I cared." He laughed, nor looking at me. After a few second he turned his head to look at me. "You just can't choose, can you?" He laughed.

He was mad. He had that evil happy smile. Like the 'I'm pissed but I'll smile at you and be obviously fake' smile.

"Grayson." I breathed. He looked at me and dropped the fake smile.

"Yes Jemma." He said batting his eyelashes and forcing another fake smile. Ugh, he's stubborn.

"It's not like what it looks like. I thought he was you." I sighed.

He busted out laughing.

"You thought he was me." He continued laughing. "When you fucking knew I was at the gym." He continued to laugh. "Jesus Christ Jemma. Who taught you how to lie?"

"Listen dick." I retorted. "You wanna know what happened? Hmm?"

I was getting angry and I felt my face get hot. He was wrong right now.

"I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning. For many reasons.. One: I felt bad for kissing Ethan. Two: After we had sex, I felt insecure about my body and wanted to lose weight. Three: I've done it before and it works. Okay, so.. Since it's been a while since I've had food I got light headed. While I was cooking you both dinner to settle everything and make it all at peace again, the heat in the kitchen combined with my light headedness made me faint. I woke up and my vision was blurry from falling on my fucking head. Ethan was beside me shaking me awake.. And.. I thought he was you. Because he sounded like you. You wanna know why? Because he sounded worried. He sounded like he cared. And he was rambling like an idiot. I didn't think much before I grabbed him and kissed him to shut him up. If you don't know, most people, kiss with their eyes closed. So, no. I didn't notice it wasn't you. Is that bad? Yes. But did I intentionally cheat on you? Fuck no. When I pulled away my vision came back and I saw he wasn't you. And not even a second later you walked in. I didn't even have time to react it happened too fast. It was all a mistake."

Wow. I'm impressed with myself. I didn't stutter. Fuck yes.

"So you guys did have sex!" Ethan exclaimed.

I turned around forgetting he was there.

"Yes. And?" Grayson said not focusing on me anymore but to Ethan.

Ethan scoffed. "Grayson you're an asshole. I can't believe you right now." He rolled his eyes and he looked mad.

"Can we just not? I thought everything was okay now! Can we just get over all of this? What happened, happened. I'm sorry Grayson. And Ethan, why do you even care? Its none of your business!" I looked at him with challenging eyes.

He stayed quiet before he scoffed.

"You're right. Its none of my business. I don't care. You guys just have your happy life. With your happy relationship." He started to walk away before he seemed to remember something and turned around to continue. "But Jem... You're a good kisser." He winked.

He did that just to make Grayson mad. He smirked as he walked away.

"You dick!" I yelled.

After a few seconds I looked over to Grayson then dropped my head.

"What are we going to do?" I asked on the verge of tears.

"I love you so much but I keep doing stupid shit and I'm hurting you. I'm such a fucking idiot. Grayson, I swear I didn't know who it was I couldn't see." I said burying my face in my hands. "If I were you I would've dumped me by now, Jesus fucking Christ."

All of a sudden I felt two arms wrap around me. My hands were over my face and my arms pressed up to my body. He hugged me tightly.

"You cry too much." He giggled.

Wait what? Why is he not mad?! He has every right to be mad what the fuck?

"Wait are you not mad? You should be mad at me." I pulled my arms down from my face. He let go of the hug so I could and then hugged me again.

"And why are you hugging me. Gray I'm confused." I said sniffing but softly laughing.

"Because I know you're telling the truth. And I know you feel sorry for it. And I'm hurt that you've been starving yourself for me.." He trailed off.

I let go from the hug.

"Well.. You're perfect and I'm not. I just want to look good." I said avoiding eye contact.

He lifted my chin with his finger tips.

"If you don't know how fucking perfect you already are, then I'm not doing my job as a boyfriend. Again. This wouldn't have even happened if you weren't doing that. I feel terrible. Never do this again please you're perfect." He kissed me.

It was a soft and slow kiss. It gave me butterflies in my stomach. It was amazing.


The smoke detector interrupted us and Grayson busted out laughing and ran over and turned of the stove that was just continuing to burn the fettuccine alfredo. I pushed myself onto the counter to reach the smoke alarm. I pressed the big button in the middle, trying to shut it up. It didn't work.

"Gray help." I said laughing.

He chuckled and jumped up onto the counter.

After 30 seconds of it not stopping in matter what we did, Grayson got frustrated. He punched very hard and it shattered.

"Well. That's one way to do it." I said laughing.

His face relaxed and he turned to look at me then laughed.

He jumped off the counter and helped me down by gripping my waist and slowly sliding me down.

"I'm sorry." He said solemnly.

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