Chapter 33

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He looked at me in the reflection of the mirror and smiled.

"Aye, Rocky." He chuckled.

I lightly shook my head and walked slowly up behind him with my eyes observing the supplies in my hands.

I set everything down on the bedside table. I grabbed Grayson's arm and pilled him lightly towards the bed. He followed direction and sat on the bed, slowly. I got on my knees in front of him and grabbed the wet towel. I slowly bring it up to his lip, and lightly touch it. He jerks his head back quickly. I bit my lip in concentration and lifted my left hand behind his head, and guided it back towards me, holding it in place. I look at him in the eyes and release my bottom lip then look at him asking for permission to continue. He nods and I slowly bring the towel back to his lips. I delicately dab the towel against the cut and wipe the blood away. This is the easy part. I clean up all of the running blood and noticed that he also had a bruised cheekbone and chin. I sigh to myself. Its my fault.

I grab the the dry towel and the bottle of alcohol. Oh shit.. I pour a little bit on the towel. Grayson's eyes go wide.

"Oh shit. That's the stuff that hurts." He panicked.

"Yeah, but you need it.."

I wrap my hand behind his head again and pull him closer. I play with his hair a little bit with my fingers to sooth him. I quickly apply the towel to his lip and he sucks in a sharp breath and hisses. I hold the towel there for a few more seconds before I pull away. He looks at me and smiles.

"Mommy, I got a boo boo." He pouts his lip and speaks in a baby voice that was unbelievably cute.

"Awwee." I kiss him on his bruised cheek. "I'm sorry." I said joking but in the inside I actually did feel bad.

My mood dropped. I felt really bad. I turn to the table and grab the ice pack that's semi melted. I hand it to Grayson and he puts it back on the table. I look at him with a 'What the fuck bitch? Let me take care of you.' look. He smiled and lifts me off of my knees. We both stand and he wraps me in a hug.

"What would I do without you?" He said sounding happy and pleasant.

I thought about it for a second.

"You'd have a great relationship with your brother instead of beating the shit out of each other...You wouldn't have to let an annoying 16 year old girl live with you just because her mom died and you felt guilted into it... You wouldn't have hospital trips and love triangle drama. You wouldn't have a lazy girlfriend that doesn't work out with you causes trouble. You would be happy." I say almost like I've said it a thousand times, rehearsed.

Which I have.. In my head. Because its true. I'm nothing but trouble to Grayson. And I hate that.

He finally pushed away from the hug and his eyebrows were deeply furrowed. He held onto my shoulders and looked at me confused and angrily. He stared into my flat eyes for a few seconds before letting go and backing up.

"Really." He said in a flat bitchy tone.

"Really." I mocked.

He let out a huge sigh.

"Jemma. Ethan is the reason for all the dumb ass drama going on. I NEVER felt guilted into anything. I wanted you to move in because I didn't want to lose you because I love you so much. You're not a fucking "annoying 16 year old girl" you're MY annoying 16 year old girl." He stepped closer. "You said, 'you would be happy'," he laughed loud, "can you not see how perfectly happy I am? Or was, 5 seconds ago." (Twilight fans aye) he stepped closer. "Why do you always blame yourself for everything! Stop! Its getting annoying how much I have to tell you, you're wrong." He chuckled. "But I love being right." He was close enough our chests were pressed together. "I'm happy, right here. Right now. Because of you. Stop pretending like you're not my entire world and you're the most perfect thing that could've happened to me. Or I'll have to prove you are." He said colliding his lips with mine.

He has a way with words, my sweet baby Jesus.

When our lips touched he sucked in a harsh breath because his lip is split open at the moment so I'm guessing it was quite painful and he forgot. After a second or too though, he melted into it. Lips moving in harmony.

I licked his bottom lip, hoping it would feel good on the cut. He hummed against my lips so I'm guessing it did. I sucked on his bottom lip, treating his cut with gentle care. It wasn't bleeding at all but I still taste the slight copper taste. Which I didn't mind.

He slid his hands down to my hips and massaged them. My hands were both around the nape of his neck.

He pulled away and pressed his forehead to mine and tried to catch his breath.

"Let's go on another date." He almost demanded.

I nodded and walked over to my drawers and slid them open to look for an outfit. Grayson walked over and closed my drawer. I looked at him confused.

"No, you need a suitcase."

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