I MET THEM (6/19/16)

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That was the best thing ever OMG. Everything they said was..
Me: uhh hi
Grayson: hiiiii
Ethan: hey cutie (not kidding i died.)
*walks up to pose*
Me: like..... *hugs Grayson*
Ethan: do you want me in it too?
Me: *nods* yeah yeah (I was very very quiet, like.. I count speak.)

*takes pictures*

Me: oh my god. Thank you guys so much. I love you guys.
Grayson: I love youu
Ethan: *steps back* *puts hands on my shoulders* *looks at me* I love your eyes
Me: (on the inside) oh my fucking god.
*me and Ethan hug*
Ethan: I love you too.

Me: *walks away and tries to not shit pants or cry or scream or jump down the stairs.*

They seem way bigger in person and they don't smell like vanilla they smell like an AMAZING guy cologne and I almost died... Ok. But yeah. The show was lit af and Alex was amazing, Grayson did a back flip and took off his shirt, Ethan lifted his shirt while Grayson drew a smiley face on his belly button.

That sums up Sunday. And I have no reason to live now so bye.

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