Chapter 45

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*2 weeks later*

Me and Ethan are doing good and everything between us and Grayson has settled down. Me and Grayson are good friends and its nice to have him back and he understands that I love him but just in a different way than I love Ethan and he's happy for us.

Cami came back to me after realizing she was wrong and I forgave her. She said she started to "date" Grayson, in hopes of making me mad but when she saw that I was happy with Ethan and I was still me, she felt bad and knew she was wrong and wanted to fix everything. I understood what she meant and I kinda deserved to be treated how she reacted but not that badly. We're still kind of awkward but were taking now. Not a lot, but still. Its progress.

School is coming back around and I'm going to be a Junior. I'm not excited about school and I've realized I don't really care about good grades anymore. As long as I pass, then I'm fine. I just don't care that much.

My birthday is coming up and I don't plan on telling either of the boys. They'll make a big deal out of it and birthdays are the most awkward day of the year for me. I'm not excited about being 17. That means I have one year to have fun and then I have to take on responsibilities I don't want. Most people want to grow up as fast as they can but not me. I never want to grow up. Time is a son of a bitch.

Anyways. Me, Ethan, and Grayson are headed out for miniature golf. And I'm not one of those girls that pretends to be bad. I'm going to kick their ass and they'll be really embarrassed and I'll love it. The place were going also sells ice cream, so I'm going to buy us all some. I'm pretty excited, tonight's going to be fun.


"I'm ready." I said in a 'spongeboby' voice.

Ethan chuckled. "Alright, weirdo." He kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand.

We interlocked fingers and walked towards Grayson's room. Before we could knock he opened the door and appeared ready.

"Leggo!" He said hyped.

We just laughed and made our way out of the apartment and down the stairs to outside.

"Let me drive! I haven't drove in so long and I don't want you to have to lay for another Uber!" I tugged on his sleeve.

"But babe!" He groaned. "I don't like sitting bitch, while my girlfriend drive. I feel like less of a man." He pouted, pushing his bottom lip out.

"I don't care. Deal with it." I sassed.

He groaned as Grayson just laughed. We made out way to the garage and got in my Jeep. My baby. I missed him so much.

"Saddle up." I said in a southern accent.

"You're so weird today." Ethan laughed.

"I know. You really shouldn't give me red bull."


"Its so pretty at night isn't it?" I awed at the gorgeous landscape of the miniature golf park.

"Yes you are. But I also think you're pretty during the day." Ethan smirked.

Grayson pretended to gag as me and him chuckled at Ethan's cheesiness.

"Come on. I have a surprise." I pulled them towards the ice cream shop.

"Yay!" Grayson squealed.

"Hello, um. Can I please get 3, 2-scoop, waffle cones. One with cookies and cream, one with chocolate chip cookie dough, and the third with Superman?" I smiled at the guy behind the counter.

Grayson and Ethan went and sat at a bench after I insisted it would be my treat. I already knew what they liked so it wasn't hard to order. They young guy behind the stand grinned and looked me up and down, obviously checking me out in my black skater skirt and white, low cut shirt. Yeah I looked decent but why is he staring so much?

"Sure thing babe." He winked.

I mentally cringed. He's cute but, no. God no.

"Do you want some napkins?" He paused then smirked. "Because I'm sure this ice cream will melt in no time because you're so hot."

Ew, what the fuck. It was hard for me to not laugh. I know how to end this.

"No I'm good." I grabbed my cookies and cream cone by the top, holding onto it with the ice cream pressed against my palm with my fingers barely hanging onto the cone. I grabbed the other two normally.

He looked at me confused as I flashed him a crazy weird creepy smile. It seemed to work as he quickly looked away, disturbed. "Thanks. Have a nice night." He said forcing a smile keeping his eyes on anything but me.

I like to consider myself funny.

Ethan P.O.V.

He was flirting with her hardcore and scanning his pervert eyes all over my baby girls body. I was about to go beat the shit out of him before I saw what Jemma did. She grabbed the ice cream itself and then looked at him like she was insane. He fell for it and got freaked out, while me and Gray busted out laughing.

She quickly pulled her hand off of her ice cream and held all three cones in her right hand as she shook the coldness off of her left.

The way she handled that was so cute and so funny it literally made me love her even more, if that was even possible. I smiled to myself, knowing she was mine. She makes me so happy with everything she does.


Jemma's P.O.V.

"How's it feel to have your ass whooped by a 16 year old girl in a skirt?" I bragged as we got into my car.

"Shut up." Grayson playfully groaned.

"I'm proud." Ethan said.

I looked over at him and rolled my eyes.

"Let's listen to some tunes!"

With my luck, and I'm not being sarcastic, like, I'm very lucky, Baby, by Justin Baeber comes on as soon as I press the power button. I mean Baber. I mean babe. No I mean Daddy. I mean, shit. You know who I'm talking about.

Ethan snaps his head towards me to see what I'm going to do and gives me a death glare as Grayson busts out laughing in the back.

"Yas bitch!" I yell.

I crank the volume up so loud you can barely hear me singing along.

"Fuck my life." Ethan covered his ears and sat in the fetal position.

Grayson sang with me and rapped the Ludacris part, that I could never keep up with no matter how hard I tried. But Grayson mother fucking slayed that bitch.


We got home and we were all really tired. Ethan wasn't that mad because after baby I let him plug in his aux cord and play whatever he wanted. He's got a good taste in music. He had his hand on my thigh the whole way home and it made me feel some type of way if you know what I'm saying. *wink* But no. I don't want to do that. I definitely want to wait. I am really missing that feeling though. I don't know how much longer I can deprive myself.

Live while you're young right?

(There's 10 parts left of the book and it will be finished in about a month. Yeet.)

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