Chapter 6

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As we got out of the car Gray came around to help me out. I was moving a bit slower, fast movements caused me to be dizzy. The doctor explained that it would be a few days before the headache went away. Gray easily grabbed the underneath of my thighs and pulled me up. My legs wrapped behind his back and head rested on his shoulder. It was like holding onto a man made of boulders. He was strong and warm, and the familiar scent of his body soared through my nose. My hands grasped his upper neck. A few fingers combing through his hair. I couldn't even feel his body shifting as he walked. He was sturdy, and slow, not wanting to irritate my head.

Ethan was waiting to open the door for us. Inviting us in. Gray softly set me on the couch giving my bandaged forehead a kiss as he let go. He went to the kitchen to get something. In his absence, it was time for Ethan to know what was going on.

"Are you okay? How far out were you? Does it still hurt?"

After a few basic questions he began to lighten the mood with dumb jokes. Gray not finding them as funny as I did. It was rare to see Gray being serious. He was usually so goofy. I loved how goofy and clumsy he was. It took away how silly I looked most of the time. But not now. He was concerned and he felt guilty. This was not a Grayson I would be okay leaving in that mood. One more night wouldn't be a problem.


After finishing the Chinese food Ethan had "made for us", which in reality he ordered it, but we still complimented his chef skills, I had an hour to rest alone while they went down to the gym. I turned on the TV and found an old show I used to watch and got comfortable.

The hour went by fast. Before I knew it, Gray was walking through the door, shirtless, sweat resting on his forehead, and dripping down his muscular back. He rushed to the bathroom to get cleaned up, but I didn't want him to. He looked so amazing. But I wasn't disappointed when Gray came out of the shower in only a towel. Hair even more wet and messy than it had been when he first finished exercising.

He was in joggers and a white v-neck tee all too soon. He could wear anything. He was so beautiful. I couldn't comprehend how I was lucky enough to have him.

We went to his room to be alone, leaving Ethan behind to do whatever he wants. I felt bad for Ethan. He doesn't have someone like Grayson did. He's like a third wheel to us. Which, isn't wrong but I just wish he could have someone. He probably feels more lonely now that his brother isn't.

We went down the hall to his room. I went to sit on his bed but before I could he caught me.

"Hold on." He giggled. "Let me make it."

I found it silly to make a bed that he had ignored this morning but now he felt the need to make it. I complied with his request and waited for him to fix the blankets. He hopped down on the bed. Playfully patting next to him with a smile. We laid there looking at each other. Every few seconds he would flash a weird face. Forcing out my giggles.

After I made a few unattractive faces of my own and it became more playful. We started a miniature boxing match while laying down, but he was gently knowing my head still was in pain. After the wrestling match took place, the situation became more serious. Gray taking a wrist in each hand and pinning them beside my shoulders. Legs straddled over my waist. Slightly winded from the play fights. Lips parted, warm breath fanning over my face. He stared into my eyes before letting his eyes travel down. I was in his white t shirt from that morning and a pair of loose sweatpants. My dark hair spread out on the pillow. He just looked at me, with dark eyes and a slight smirk.

"Fine. You win." I whispered.

"Do I get a prize?" He spoke deeply.

For only knowing Grayson for a week or two, I felt comfortable with him. There was something about him that was casual and trustworthy. I really liked him. Even when he was intimidating, or serious, I still just loved being around him. I was thankful that he wasn't someone who just screwed around with girls. I knew too many people like that.

The past few weeks with him were enjoyable. Although one contained seeing him in a dark state and the other, a trip to the hospital but it didn't matter. He was protective, but shy. It was amazing.

"I don't know. Do you?" I said trying to catch my breath as well.

His head slowly fell to mine as he kissed the bandage again. His mood changing from, playful and flirty to solemn.

"Jem, I-," he paused looking deeply into my eyes. "Do you need anything?" He said rubbing his thumb over my forehead.

"You." I stated boldly as I pulled his head to mine.

(Another shorter chapter because it will be a while before I update because I feel like I should write, ya know, the dirty and I suck at that so...idk.)

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