Chapter 12

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Grayson's P.O.V.

I invited Nate, Alex, and Ethan to go with us to the movies but Nate and I got in an argument about something stupid so he's not coming anymore.

I know the guys don't really want to watch a dumb girly movie so we're going to watch something scary. Plus, if Jem gets freaked out she can cuddle with me, so that's a win.


We get to the theater and the smell alone was awesome.

"Do you wanna play some games while Ethan gets the food?" I asked Jem.

"Sure." She said smiling.

Jem's P.O.V.

I was glad we were going to the movies. Something was wrong with Ethan and Grayson this morning. I'm not sure what it was but, anyway I think its over. Now we get to have a good time.

I was wearing a black V-neck shirt and a pair of light blue jeans with rips on the legs. I had on a black hat, backwards, over my straight brown hair. Simple make up, nothing fancy.

Ethan's P.O.V.

She's so fucking beautiful. She doesn't even have to try! Ugh. Its so annoying how Grayson doesn't appreciate her like I do. And she doesn't even know. God. Maybe I should tell her. I'm not doing any good by not letting her know.

I get 2 large popcorns and a large Dr. Pepper and a large Mtn Dew. I also got Jem some snow caps because they're her favorite. I saw her staring at them when we walked in. And I got myself some Butterfinger bites so it wasn't obvious, or weird that I only got her something.

"What pops did you get?" She said smiling.

"Oh, I got Dr. Pepper and Mtn Dew. Is that okay?" I said staring into her beautiful eyes.

"Yes! I love Dr. Pepper!" Oh my gosh that's so cute. I like Dr. Pepper too. I guess me and her will share the pop. Yes!

"Dr. Pepper is gross!" Grayson said teasing Jemma and poking her sides, making her giggle.

"We'll you and Alex share, and me and Jem will share." I said with an annoyed face.

"Sounds good." They agreed.

We sat on the very top row, because that's the best place duh. From right to left it was Alex, Grayson, Jemma, and me.

Jem's P.O.V.

The movie was scary as shit! I hate scary movies. I clenched Grayson's large muscular arm in fear. He smiled at me and held my hand.

"Babe I gotta go to the bathroom." He whispered so only I could hear.

"No! Don't go." I pretended to cry.

"I'll be back soon. I promise. Its okay." He smiled.

"Hurry back." I said, letting go if his hand.

Hus large frame attempted to scoot by the row of people with out causing too much if a scene but that was a fail. I giggle at the commotion he caused.

The movie was terrifying.

"Ethan." I whispered. "Ethan!" I whispered louder.

"Hmm?" He said with a mouth full of popcorn.

"Can I hold your hand until Grayson gets back? Please. I'm scared." I sounded like a baby but I don't care, that movie was freaking me the fuck out.

Ethan's P.O.V.

Fuck yes you can.

"Sure." I smiled and laced my fingers with hers.

Her hand was warm but not sweaty. It was super soft. I loved it. Every time she got scared she squeezed tighter. My hand was going to fall off if Grayson didn't come back soon. I saw him walking up the isle so I let go. I didn't want him to see because it would probably just make him mad.

I still wanted to let her know I like her, well, love her kind of.. But I didn't know how. Ugh. Oh..

"Hey jem can you come with me to get some more popcorn?"

"Uh, sure." She turned to Grayson, "I'm going to get some popcorn I'll be right back."

He didn't look pleased to say the least.


We walked out and she took a deep breath and let it out.

"Oh my god! I hate scary movies!" She said chuckling.

"Aw. It's ok. It'll probably be over by the time we get back."

"Then why are we getting more popcorn, idiot." She said laughing then punching my shoulder lightly.

"Well.... Uhh.." Oh shit, am I really going to do this? I'm nervous. Fuck. Just do it.

"I just actually wanted to talk to you about something." She stopped walking and looked up at me, confused. She's so short.

"Jem, I.... I kinda have feelings for you. And I know you're with Grayson and I shouldn't but I do and I can't help it. You're fucking perfect. And I really want to be with you and you needed to know." I said really fast in one breath.

"Wait.. What?" She said looking deep into my eyes.

I just.. Kissed her. Right there. I leaned forward really fast and put my hand in the back if her head and kissed her as passionately as I could. It was amazing. And she was kissing back. Does she like me too? Oh my god that would be amazing.

I thought too soon. She pushed my chest and disconnected my lips from hers. As soon as I opened my eyes I was slapped. Hard. It really fucking hurt. Her hands are so small but damn!

"What the fuck Ethan! You ant just do that! For fucks sake, I'm in love with your brother!" She yelled. Oh shit.

"What the fuck is going on?"

I turned to see the only person I didn't want to see. Grayson.

Well shit. I'm definitely fucked.

Dear god, please don't let him kill me. I'm sorry for all of my sins, just in case.

(I'm doing a lot of P.O.V.s now because they help.)

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